Introductory comments from the book A PROPHET FROM THE WEST by Addison Brown

From: us at End Death Research to 

Dear Visitor to our Home Page : 
       Thank you for your visit. This brief leaflet hopes to introduce you
to what we do here. If after your visit you find this site or interesting, 
whether it be format, web page design, concept, presentation or content, 
please tell your friends or 2 other people about us and our site.

    We are dedicated to the preservation and continua-
tion of the work of the Prophet-Writer-Inventor
Addison Brown, sometimes known as John Believer, of
Portland,  Oregon.

April 23 1922 - January 2000

     Mr Brown is a writer of scientific and economical 
theories. He is a Prophet in the Eastern and original 
sense of the word, yet he 'sees' life and life's mysteries
and their unraveling through the eyes of contemporary science. He is an 
inventor as well as a futurist, a visionary in the formost avangarde 
tradition, or anti-tradition, as some would have it. His theories and 
New Cosmology leads to Human Understood Reincarnation and Resurrecting 
the Dead Project.
Above : Mr Addison Brown at Age 76 
after stroke of 1996 

        Before his stroke in 1996, I used to work with and under the 
supervision of Mr Brown.  At the present time I am the sole 
member of this research.
        It was the hope of Mr Brown before his stroke to found a foundation 
which would continue his research.  
       Addison's work consist mainly of these basic parts : A New 
Cosmology in Resonation Physics with application to Human Understood 
Reincarnation and Resurrecting the Dead Project, and Theories on 
Economics known as Prior Choice or Permanent Credit System Economics 
which if implemented will solve all of the problems of unemployment, 
taxation, Medical care, old age retirement, funding for public and 
private education, child and adult welfare, joblessness and loss of 
jobs to the third world or a foreign country, and most of the 
economical problems of the latter 20th century. It will also help to 
fulfill , along with resurrection of the dead, the major CREATIVE 
prophecies of Christianity. It serves as a Mirror that reflect and 
echoes prophecies of the Christian religion, how "in the Last Days the
dead shall be resurrected ' and how "by thy WORK, thy shall be judged 
(as to how  much work is done and performed etc." for the whole world 
to see. 
       It also fulfill CREATIVE prophecies of Buddhism, Hinduism, 
Islam, and other major religions. 
       Internet Home Page 
       E-mail :
       FidoNet address : 1:134/202  
       we are a Mail only BBS. Off line right now.
A Prophet from the West 
Prior Choice Economics 
Conquering Death 
All Problems Solved 
The Portland Rainbow 
       Unfortunately these books and many other pamphlets written all by Mr 
Brown are no longer available since his stroke. 

       Donations are always welcome and gratefully accepted. There are 
numerous expenses such as Internet rental, computer maintanance, salary of
staff, disks and mailing cost, etc etc involved in running this Home Page.
At the present, there is no income what-so-ever for this project. If you can
make a donation, please email us at  :  Please include
your CORRECT email return address or we cant contact you. We lost so many
valuable msg that way.
       The main work is how to time the birth of a child using computerised 
horoscope timing so as to exhibit the highest possible Human Potential Quotient,
or duplicate the soul shape and consciousness of a person previously alive but 
now 'deceased'. (Soul seperated from body because body no longer exist due to 
expiry at old age or some other causes.) The term Human Potential Quotient  is 
developed and introduced by Addison and I based on computer programs developed 
here for the IBM PC and applies to the overall intelligence, abilities, potential,
courage, integrity and personalities etc. of a unborn child based on , for lack 
of a better term, 'Astrological considerations' or computerized Horoscope timing.
This computerized Horoscoping  is based on the theories and techniques developed 
by Mr Brown, the Prophet from Portland, Oregon. 
       You can download programs developed for the 
IBM PC on Human Understood Reincarnation and Resurrecting the Dead project.  
As mentioned before, the programs will enable you to predict the best time 
for birth of a child so as to have the highest Human Potential Quotient.   
       If you find this incredible or hard to believe, and if you are not 
interested in over coming death, there are other files and programs 
available in the zipped file that discuss economics, life's mysteries and 
other topics and problems.  
       There is also available on our Home Page a WAV sound file  which 
delineate the development of these programs and provide brief biographical 
data about our association with Mr Brown, pioneer of Overcoming Death 
Research Project. Or you can press ESC to stop the music and then 
click here to listen on Real Audio
      In conclusion, we hope this brief brochure answers some of the 
questions you may have about our organization. If you have any more questions,
please feel free to write or send us some E-mail on the Net.