Lead in: Let us say there are 40,000 hours of work a week available. By our present job methods, the 40,000 is divided by 40 to see how many jobs are available. The result is 1000 jobs.

The reason why the 40,000 is divided by 40 is that 40 is the number of hours each person working has to work per week to earn enough money pay for what one needs to live at current money trading prices.

But let us say there are 2000 people who need jobs.

By our present ideas in this simple arithmetic example there will be no work available for 1000 people who need work. They will be unemployed.

These will be individuals who hang out, become members of gangs, the missing fathers in fatherless families, or heads of families laid off from their jobs.

Now lets look at jobs available in a different way.

Lets say that the available work hours are divided by the number of people needing work instead of by 40.

The result is 20 hours of work available per week for all of the 2000 people needing work, instead of 40 hours of work available for 1000 people, and 1000 unemployed.

The problem with such an approach to jobs using our current ideas is of course, that 20 hours of work per week does not earn enough to buy what is needed to live by current business methods equalism trading ideas that automatically cause prices to adjust to what a person is paid for working 40 hours a week instead of a smaller number of hours such as 20 hours a week being able to buy what has become available as a result of all of the work everyone puts into a business system.


To solve the problem of 20 hours work a week being able to buy what has become available, lets look at our present bookkeeping methods, and ways of keeping records to get unemployment compensation or welfare when one cannot find a job.

For tax purposes, retirement if one lives to age 65, and for eligibility for unemployment compensation, records are currently kept of the total value of the work one has put into a business system in one's life, (called th "Social Security" system in the United States).

In this simple arithmetic example, 40,000 hours of work available for 2000 people, means all who need jobs can work 20 hours a week, instead of only 1000 of the 2000 working 40 hours a week leaving 1000 unemployed.

There can always be honest work to earn buying ability for everyone by changing over to people buying with the record of the total value each person has put into life as work or materials, instead of using the idea of taking a person's work recognition away in order to buy something. See 4 A similar life in each system charts.


This would be buying with permanent purchasing ability you never lose once it is earned (the record of the total value you have put into life), instead of buying by constantly having your recognition of value you have ut into life taken away from you in order to buy what you want out of life.

Each person already has the record of the total value one has put into life recorded in their work record; Social Security records keep adding up the total value one has put into life throughout one's life.

Income tax records keep adding up year by year how much value one has put into life.

Anyone with a credit card or Social Security card is already connected into vast bookkeeping systems that with a minor computer program adjustment could show any time a person buys something anywhere what the total value is that one has put into life, in order to buy with total value put into life buying instead of taking work recognition away buying.

To make total value put into life buying work, a minor change is made in current business bookkeeping programs.

Instead of thinking of a sale of something to someone indicating that a certain amount of work recognition has been taken away from someone and transferred to the value put into life record of whoever sold something, exactly the same bookkeeping as at present is used but thought of or interpreted in a different way.

Selling something to someone is interpreted as pay or profit by the act of distribution, instead of pay or profit by taking something away from a purchaser.

When you trace through the various kinds of business transactions that can take place in a business system using total value into life buying and pay or profit by the act of distribution, instead of taking work recognition away from customers to buy something, many interesting situations emerge.


Working longer or fewer hours per week does not automatically mean that one can buy less if one has worked fewer hours. Working half as many hours does not mean one can buy only half as much.

It is possible to sell all that has become available to be purchased to all customers who want to buy regardless of whether a larger or smaller number of hours are worked per week per person.

This is distribution by the position of total value put into life by each consumer that is never lost once it is earned.

It can be called proportional participation distribution, instead of taking work recognition away distribution.


The reason why this can called proportional participation distribution instead of taking work recognition away distribution, is that the basic distribution idea assumes that ALL customers in a business system are always automatically included in its distribution procedure, instead of assuming that only customers who have work recognition that can be taken away from them are included in its distribution procedure.

Everyone is in the "proportional position" in the distribution system determined by the permanent record of the total value each person has put into life.

People who have put in higher total value in their life are toward the high end of the proportional participation arrangement. People who have put in smaller total value in their life are toward the lower total put into life end of the list.

Each consumer is ahead of people who have put proportionately less into life, but behind people who have put proportionately more into life. Each person's total value put into life recognition is one's proportional participation position.

Buying for personal use, personal reward out of life for putting value into life as work or materials, uses the simple idea that someone who has put more into life than someone else, has choice to receive out of life before someone who has put a smaller total into life.


To accomplish this simple and easy to understand end result, prices that are put on things to buy are thought of in a different way, similar to thinking of present records of the total value a person has put into life in a different way.


Instead of thinking of the price on something you want to buy meaning how much work recognition will be taken away from you if you buy it, you look at the price on something to see if it is higher or lower than the total value you have put into life. You cay buy (receive) a reasonable amount of anything for personal use with a price on it the same as or lower than the total value you have put into life.

Thus when you go shopping in a grocery store, you can buy (receive) a reasonable amount of anything in the grocery store with a new kind of price on it the same as or lower that the total value you have put into life. Seller determines reasonable amount.

Whether you worked 40 hours, or 20 hours, or no hours during the last week before you went shopping in a grocery store does not determine how much you can buy. The total value you have put into life that you never lose once it is earned determines how much you can buy, not how much work recognition you have left that has not yet been taken away from you.

Thus it can be seen that with proportional participation business procedure, instead of take work recognition away from customers business procedure, it is always possible to have 100% employment and uninterrupted buying ability even if "full employment" means working only 20 hours a week.

Mr Brown unfortunately Deceased January 2000. Copyright 1995, A. Brown. Reply to akwu@canuck.com Book "Speaking With Clouds" $10 - Printed version of the Internet home page containing this discussion plus more details than the sparse language of WWW or Newsgroups. More details at http://www.canuck.com/~akwu/ab

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Last update March 10, 1998