a little clearer in a few more words.


This financial miracle that can solve current problems, (status position buying, total value put into life buying, pay by the act of distribution), is based on a new economic theory, developed from a different view of the basic nature of being called 20 Resonation Physics).

Also see 15 Letter to the Nobel Peace Prize committee.

The new economic theory is, any item or service that becomes available for distribution has already been paid for by the work and materials combined to cause it to become available to be distributed. It is not necessary to pay for everything a second time to accomplish distribution.


This makes it possible for the procedure used to accomplish human economic distribution to be the procedure that is used to accomplish distribution by all of the rest of the processes observable throughout the rest of the universe which is "status position distribution" in human emotional terms, and "accurate graduated magnitudes difference arranging" in quantifiable, scientifically testable terminology, ideas, and procedures.

See 20 Resonation Physics.

Also see 21 New theory of being solves business problems.

Also see 3 Life can be this simple and easy to understand for more details than are described in this selection.


You buy items or services for personal use by using a record of the total value you have put into life.

You can receive a reasonable amount for the asking, of anything with a new kind of price on it the same as or lower than the total value you have put into life. Your recognition of the total value you have put into life is not lowered when you receive (buy) something.

Your status position (total value you have put into life) can be shown by something identical in appearance to current credit cards.

Thus this is an improvement on current credit cards, where the amount in your credit card account (total value you have out into life), is not reduced as you make purchases.

Your improved new credit card (by current ideas) shows the total value put into life on which you have paid personal income taxes, or the total so far in your life in your "Social Security Account" (United States, similar records in other countries).


With pay by the act of distribution instead of take work recognition away from customers distribution, an interesting result is being able to accomplish medical care for everyone without having to collect insurance premiums or taxes to "take work recognition away from someone" to pay for medical care.


Another interesting result is anyone who retires, automatically retires at the proportional participation position one has worked up to by the time of retirement, (see 4 A similar life in each system charts)instead of retiring with a bare subsistence take value away from customers or retirees pension.


Retiring at the total value put into life one has worked up to at the time one retires is also the way total value put into life business procedure is able to accomplish one of its most important features which is, how to slow down a business system without causing an economic disaster. Buying ability is not lost due to layoffs or working fewer hours. >P> Thus a way is finally provided to deal with the results of accomplishing balanced population size or having to curtail or end some kinds of manufacturing due to reduced availability or running out of natural resources.


An interesting result of proportional participation business procedure is that is eliminates tax collecting to pay for items or services provided by government.

With proportional participation business procedure instead of take work recognition away from customers business procedure where pay or profit is by the act of distribution instead of by taking work recognition away from customers, when you trace through how paying is done in present business systems for items or services currently paid for by collecting taxes, you find that the same items or services currently requiring collecting taxes, can be accomplished with collecting taxes completely eliminated.

Pay for goods or services sold to government is a bookkeeping entry that adds to the total value a seller has put into a business system, instead of a transaction requiring obtaining a real or imaginary "equal" (such as from debt) to accomplish the transaction.


Pay by the act of distribution instead of taking work recognition away from customers also solves the problem of "how to pay for education" to learn higher skill work so that one's status position increases faster. Teachers, administrators, and building and maintaining of schools and colleges is a bookkeeping entry instead of having to try to collect tuition from students or taxes from taxpayers.


Another interesting result of proportional participation business procedure is that in addition to eliminating taxation, it also eliminates debt and bankruptcy.

Any sale to a customers is automatically like a cash transaction in take value away from customers business procedure.

There is no longer the necessity in proportional participation business procedure to pretend that a customer has the ability to buy something if someone does not have work recognition that can be taken away, by using the ideas of "going into debt" to buy something.

Anyone is always automatically able to buy anything with a proportional participation price on it the same as or lower than the total value one has put into life.

If one wants something with a price on it higher than the total value one has put into life, the higher price means that someone who has put more value into life than oneself is entitled to receive it, and not that one can "go into debt" to buy it.

The higher price means not enough of the item has been produced so far to get down to the status position one has worked up to on the arrangement of every consumer in the business system arranged according to the proportional amount each person has put into life.


Sellers of items or services for personal use price what they have to sell by seeing by experiment how far to lower a price on an item or service to match the total value put into life amounts being shown to them by their customers, so that customers with lower total value put into life recognitions will not receive all that is available of something before customers with higher total value put into life recognitions have had chance to receive reasonable amounts of an item or service.

The "balance point" or price at which each item or service thus sells is information included with orders of more items to sell from producers or wholesalers, to determine the proportional amounts of each order to fill; -- proportionately more to locations with higher total value put into life prices, and proportionately smaller amount of resale orders filled to locations where personal use prices have worked down to smaller numbers.


Another interesting result of proportional participation business procedure is that the work put into life by being a mother bearing and rearing children can be thought of as putting value into life that builds up one's total value put into life record.

Thus instead of women who are mothers in a take work recognition away from customers business system having to try to live by getting a free hand out from either a man to whom they are married or a government welfare agency, mothers buy what they want out of life by using their recognition of the total value they have put into life like everyone else putting value into life.

In proportional participation business procedure, being a mother bearing and rearing children is considered to be putting value into life, like any other kind of work anyone does in life.

To see how this works, a mother bearing and rearing children might be called a female body person working on human bodies (her children), instead of an automobile body person working on repairing automobile accident damaged automobile bodies.

How much value is put into life by being a body person has already been established in take value away from customers business procedure by procedures such as collective bargaining by labor unions.

Thus in total value put into life business procedure, it can be considered that whether a person is a male or female body person (body mechanic), working on automobile bodies or human bodies as a mother of children, that the value one puts into life is already established.

A female body mechanic (mother of children) puts at least the same amount of value into life as a male body mechanic repairing dented automobile fenders in an automobile body repair shop.

A body person (body mechanic) whether male or female, puts value into life, whether the bodies one works on or takes care of are automobile bodies or human bodies. Thus women who are mothers admitted to full membership in human civilization is one of the interesting results of using total value put into life business procedure instead of take work recognition away from customers business procedure.


Because pay or profit is by the act of distribution as a bookkeeping entry instead of by taking work recognition away from customers, this means that the reason is removed to shut down a high labor cost company such as those found in the United States, and move it to a low labor cost country outside the United States.

An employer does not have to take work recognition away from customers to pay employees. Therefore it is no longer necessary with total value put into life buying and pay by the act of distribution to move to a low cost labor area in another country to be able to meet competition lower prices. Prices to customers no longer indicate how much work recognition will be taken away from them in order to buy something.


Pay, reward, profit, increase in status position for putting value into life is determined by democracy, instead of by seeing how much value put into life recognition can be taken away from or stolen from individuals in a multitude of ways.


Since taking value away from customers is not available in total value put into life business procedure to determine what the value is of something put into a business system, the alternate procedure for determining value that is already widely established and in place all over the Earth is used of "democracy" or debate to determine value, instead of seeing how much work recognition can be taken away from a customer to determine value.

Other names for "democracy" or getting together in a meeting to discuss something and then voting on what was discussed, (instead of seeing how much you can take away from someone), are "collective bargaining", "labor unions", "professional associations", "representation based on what one puts into life" ---instead of what one agrees with or disagrees with as political or religious ideas, or the location of one's residence, or nationality, race, sex, or other ideas different from what one puts into life to be able to receive out of life.


Total value put into life buying among the many other interesting things it can accomplish, can also cause a changeover to a different kind of government where the purpose of representation in government is not to overpower or destroy someone by the basis for representation used, but instead is to include everyone (in the same way that everyone is included in the proportional participation arrangement of the total value each person has put into life), instead of including only the largest mob by a criterion such as ballots or bullets.

The purpose of debate in a representative government that includes everyone on the basis of what each person puts into life, is to debate and vote on higher or lower value put into life recognition for work or items the debate conducted before voting says are needed in larger or smaller quantities.

Higher value put into life recognition is voted for work or items the debate says more are needed than is currently being produced.

Lower value put into life amounts are voted for work or items the debate says are being produced in surplus or are not as necessary as some other kinds of work or items.


Individual initiative and freedom of choice by all members of the business system is then used to have people on their own initiative choose to change over to work or items for which higher value put into life recognition is voted, and stop putting into life work or items for which lower total value put into life amounts have been debated on and voted.

This kind of "democracy" or "democratic government" does not perform a function of dictating what each member of a business system will put into life.

Instead it performs the function of debating about what is needed in larger or smaller quantities, and voting higher value put into life recognition for what by debate it says more is needed, and voting to lower value put into life amounts for what by debate it says less is needed.

Individual private citizens then decide on their own initiative if they want to change over to doing what has been voted more necessary, and stop doing what has been voted less necessary as indicated by the total value out into life recognition that is earned for various ways to put value into life.


You are represented in government on the basis of what you do to help others (value you put into life), and not on a basis such as who you want to get rid of or punish to solve problems,

not where you live,

not your reason for helping others (religion, personal reasons),

not how to overpower or destroy other persons or groups.

Debate and voting on matters other than increase or decrease in value put into life rcognition is done by local governments.


The new kind of democracy Resonation Physics describes considers bearing and rearing children to be "value put into life" like any other kind of work a human being does to help others.

Value put into life being a mother accumulates throughout one's life as "total value put into life recognition", " 64 women admitted to full membership in human civilization.


Pay, reward, profit, increase in status position for putting value into life is by the act of distribution (from the bookkeeping record of what is distributed, and acknowledgement of value received by customers, delivery receipts, records of who has received what, and not by taking away value put into life recognition from customers, an employer, government welfare activity, or taxpayers.

Another way to describe this new way to receive out of life is:---

Suppose that we think of business transactions record keeping in the following way instead of current ways.

For each member of a business system from babies just born to retired citizens, a record is kept of the total value of goods or services each individual puts into life.


The simple idea everyone can easily understand for receiving out of life, is that someone who has put a larger total value into life is entitled to receive what has become available to be received out before someone who has put a smaller total value into life.

Instead of "being paid" for the value one has put into life by trying to take an amount of "total value put into life recognition" away from someone receiving something "equal to" what is received out, ---

--- a person "putting value is" has one's "total value put in recognition" increased by the amount of the value AS A BOOKKEEPING ENTRY.


In this different way to think of current business transactions, it is THE ACT OF DISTRIBUTING SOMETHING to someone that increases one's total value put into life recognition, instead of trying to use a continually unworkable and frustrating procedure of attempting to take away from someone a "value equal to" what one has received.

Tracing through the steps of such a way of thinking of current business records bookkeeping for each of the "how to pay for it" problems of current take an equal away from a customer business procedure, shows as 20 Resonation Physics predicts, a substantial lessening or ending of the destruction encountered in the current "take value away from customers" business method, thus indicating a verification of the validity of Resonation Physics to replace Force Overpowering force physics as the basic concept on which to base human approaches to problem solving.


Record keeping is already universally being done throughout human business procedure to keep track of "value put in" regardless of whether an individual or group actually manages to receive as money to spend the amount current records keeping says has been put in.

This solution to current financial problems suggests dispensing with the additional step of trying to covert the record of value put in to money to spend*, and simply using the, RECORD ITSELF OF VALUE PUT IN as the way to buy items or services**, so that what one remembers as the total value one has put into life, is always automatically the buying ability one has earned by putting value in (see 4 A Similar Life In Each System charts).

*(what a person or group thinks is value put in but often does not manage to get back out as spendable money, especially if a substantial amount is deducted as taxes, or a credit purchaser fails to make credit payments, or someone writes a bad check, or an employer cannot meet a payroll, or pay is too low),

**(personal use reward in life buying) -- cannot put foot notes at the bottom of a page (on same computer screen) with an electronic book.


You think of buying in a little different way. The different way is, you receive out based on the TOTAL OF THE VALUE you have put in during your life, instead of receiving out based on the difference between how much value you have put in, and how much of your total value put in has not yet been spent, lost, or taken away in some manner.

It is a much simpler to understand, more honest (someone stealing your money by taxes, debt, interest, or hold up stealing ended), and more direct way to know your buying ability at any time.

Your buying ability is what you remember as the total of what you have put into life instead of a confusion of adding, subtracting, debt, or a government welfare check derived from taxes.

Bank account credit-debit balancing , adding-subtracting is replaced by only new additions.


You purchase in this solution to current financial problems by using your record of the total value of goods or services you have put into life, instead of "spending" giving away, or having your recognition of value put in (money to spend) taken away in various ways in order to buy what you want to receive out of a business system.

You can buy (receive out of life for personal use, personal reward in life) anything with a new kind of price on it lower than the total value you have put into life. See 17 Determining Prices With Total Value Put Into Life Buying, and 24 Details of solutions to current human problems.

The procedure to show your record of the total value you have put into life is already being done when you use a credit card to buy things, and only needs to be thought of in a little bit different way to start to use this miracle solution to current financial problems, (similar to thinking of the earth rotating instead of the universe rotating 500 years ago).

In this new way to think of buying with a card, the total in your credit card account IS NOT REDUCED when you buy something.

This is status position buying instead of equalism trading buying, and obviously is thinking of your credit card in a different way (similar to the universe not rotating around the Earth).

Your credit card becomes your "Total Value Put Into Life Card", or "Status Position Recognition".

Purchase limiting is not accomplished as in money spending (equalism trading) by having spent all of the money you have been paid for value put into life.

Purchase limiting is accomplished by whoever is selling something determining a REASONABLE AMOUNT to sell to each customer. see 4 "A Similar Life In Each System" charts.


Call in to your local radio or TV station, and to local newspapers and magazines, asking them to allow interviews and question answering about Total Value Put Into Life Buying, (status position buying) and, Pay By The Act Of Distribution, as a way to solve current problems.

Go to next selection 6 Team humans on the Earth

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Last update March 10, 1998