Many ordinary and strange experiences

(A brefer version of this selection is 32 Start.)

This way of solving business problems that arise from events such as natural or human caused disasters such as floods, fires, and earthquakes or problems of human business systems such as debt, taxation, bankruptcy, unemployment, welfare is a practical application of a suggestion to replace action-reaction, force overpowering force physics with an alternate idea of the basic nature of being called 20 "Resonation Physics", (first submitted as a subject for a graduate thesis in the 1940's, see below).

Resonation Physics suggests that the basic procedure taking place throughout the universe is repeating events (also referred to as resonation when observed in an area such as the radio and TV wave portion of the electromgnetic-spectrum), and not purposeless statistical probability traveling in straight lines until smashing into something (action-reaction, force overpowering force physics).

Resonation Physics suggests action-reaction, force overpowering force smash ups take place when mistakes are made in repeating events difference arranging, (about 3% of the time. The other 97% of the time is resonation in harmony, repeating events difference arranging).

Thus with Resonation Physics, one sees everywhere "difference arrangements" from larger to smaller, and especially in how all forms of life except human life take place.


"Destruction" in human actions primarily results from difference arranging violations, of which an almost universal violation by humans is taking away an individual's recognition of how much one has been creative in life (the purpose of being, creation, according to Difference Arranging Physics, accomplishes difference arranging), in order to receive out of life.

Taking away an individual's help to others recognition in order to receive out of life constantly produces a misarranged difference arrangement among humans (people who have put in a lot at low or 0 positions; people who have only manipulated take away work recognition records frequently at high difference arrangement positions).


In other life forms on the Earth "distribution" is accomplished by earned status position, instead of taking away status position in order to receive.


Suggesting repeating events difference arranging physics ("resonation physics") to replace force overpowering force purposeless statistical probability physics, was a result of a series of fortunate ordinary and strange experiences from early childhood.


At about age 2 my parents divorced. They were declared unfit parents and their child was taken away from them and made a ward of the court (of California). The apparent reason for that court action was that their child was experiencing malnutrition and apparently had rickets.

What was fortunate about that life start experience that led in a few years to suggesting difference arranging physics to replace force overpowering purposeless statistical probability physics, was that the new life seemed to experience as what seemed "normal" what is called in metaphysical writings "out of body experiences".

By conventional ideas I suppose the emotional response to observing an individual having such experiences is that such a person (or child) has a serious affliction where at times it stops breathing and seems to have died, but then after a little while starts breathing again. That would probably be an outside observer emotional viewpoint (such as a California court judge handing down a decision in a divorce and child removal from unfit parents hearing).


From an inside viewpoint (a person experiencing such a condition), on one hand it can be "isn't this the way everyone sees, feels, or experiences life?", (whatever environment a form of life finds as it is born, is what it feels is "normal" to that individual life).

On another hand however as a child of a few months or two or three years of age it can be imagined that what would be seen on such adventures would not be realized or appreciated for what it might be thought of in adult terms.

As an example, it can be imagined that a child of a few months of age to age 2 or so being given a guided tour of an electric generating plant (either in or out of body) and seeing the machinery that generates electricity at a river dam, coal or gas fired plant, or atomic reactor electricity generator, quite likely will have little or no appreciation or understanding of what one is being led past by some adult such as a tour guide or parents, -- just pictures in one's mind as a child of big things that make a lot of noise, little else, but the pictures are there in one's mind that might be recalled later as one is an undergraduate or graduate student in electrical engineering, physics, or atomic physics.

The same can be observed for libraries and repositories of vast amounts of information one might seem to remember floating through in out of body experiences, or perhaps seeming to have conversations with people for whom one had no respect or appreciation of who they were in the past actions of humans.

Does a child know, realize, or respect that one is talking to, let us say the President of The United States, or General of The Armies Of The USA or the Earth at an age of 18 months or 2 years? -- or anyone else of similar stature present or past? Almost unquestionably no.


So much for life start fortunate events.

The next stroke of good fortune was apparently a foul up in the courts and state bureaucracy of the state of California. The child of the divorced parents who were declared unfit seeming to have an urgent medical problem was assigned for a temporary few days to the registered nurse employee of the court until arrangement could be made to assign the child to a more permanent medical facility than being in the care of the court registered nurse.

For some reason that is not entirely clear (as is often the case with government bureaucracies) the temporary few days of being remanded to the care of the registered nurse employee of the court, dragged on for 14 years! -- or it might said the "ward of the court" fell through the cracks somewhere and got temporarily lost in bureaucracy paperwork for 14 years.


Meanwhile nature was taking its course and did not wait on hold while the courts and state were completing their bureaucratic paperwork.

The condition of being on temporary hold for 14 years as a baby grew into a teen ager produced the result in effect of seemingly temporarily waiting on the side lines to go somewhere (such as into actual living) but meanwhile not "having anyone to turn to, to ask questions", follow, copy or be directed into some particular life style or value system style.

It was a solitary existence with virtually no examples or suggestions in developing "skills at making peer group or elders friends". Thus information, experiences, and education in public schools was a process of do it oneself evaluation instead of being conditioned into some specific set of values or life style.


In such a condition, I continually felt in school classes and encounters with peers and elders, that what was being taught was not the way things actually happened in history, or ideas and beliefs expressed not the way what was being taught actually works.

This apparently was a consequence of comparing the things, conditions, and events seemingly seen in out of body experiences, with what one was being told and asked to learn in school classes.

The out of body experiences comparisons replaced what for most individuals would be comparisons to the actions and way of thinking and living of parents.

The good fortune part of such a condition, was that there wasn't anyone to knock the ideas such comparisons produced out of that kid's head so that it starts thinking properly (as taught in school, and as peers and adults were acting, such as the example of adults having a baby fall through the cracks in a courts and state bureaucracy and in a sense lost until it reached an age where according to the laws that applied, at age 16 it could designate who would be its guardian until reaching age 21).


It was 14 years of freedom to wander the material world of adult and school ideas, and the spiritual world of out of body experiences. It was years of freedom feeling like being able to compare how various ideas and events are described in current schools and books, with what seemed to be visions or trips "out of body" to see what really happened.


From time to time I would get into trouble in public schools by saying to a teacher what was being taught is not the way events really happened, or what was being taught was based on ideas that were not true.

I learned eventually simply to shut up and not suggest or point out where errors were seemingly being taught. To stay out of trouble, learn what answers were expected on tests to pass courses, and do not mention that one felt a wrong answer was being given to avoid "failing".


Apparently a result of what some might call "lack of affection and bonding with adults such as parents" while developing through teen age was another stroke of good fortune.

It apparently produced a result of, instead of personalizing the events or experiences both in and out of body (such as how does this apply to me or benefit me), the evaluations seemed to be like those of an outside observer (waiting on the sideline), and in the frame of reference of how does each event fit into the actions of all of human civilization.

It was as if lacking the interaction of affection and bonding caused a failure to develop a sense of self, so the events experienced were not internalized.

What the good fortune was in this was that instead of building up a store of simply personal memories and self satisfaction, what was being constructed in a human mind was a cosmology, a view of how a multitude of seeming disparate conditions in human actions and ideas all fitted together into one functioning whole (as in the metaphor of a guided tour through an electricity generating plant at a few months of age), but without the hindrance of being filtered through prejudices or dogmatism acquired experimenting with what one needs to do to be accepted by peers, parents, or role models.

This is apparently thought of as undesirable for an individual, but turns into another fortunate event if one's life work turns out to be describing a new cosmology. An electricity generating plant at age 2 or so had become the whole universe at age 17.


Then around age 17 another stroke of good fortune. The good fortune was seemingly being killed.

The being killed incident was a smash up in a race track accident. The smash up produced a sensation of seeming suddenly to recall the out of body experiences of earlier years (at ages too young to appreciate what was being experienced).

The seeming sensations of the event of perhaps being killed in a race track crash were: a few moments after the crash I seemed to feel I was floating (as in out of body experiences) about 100 feet above the race track, seeing a body removed from the crash and put in an ambulance but without red light flashing as it proceeded to a hospital. There did not seem to be any urgency to transport what was in the ambulance to a hospital as quickly as possible to "save its life'. It was apparently transporting a corpse.

Then there was the usual experiences other individuals who are frequently seen on TV interview programs recount about their "near death" or "return from death" experiences, seeming to be in a group of people who one knew had died.


In my case instead of being awed by the experience, I seemed to have a bad attitude about it. My feeling seemed to be "here we go again, I thought I had managed to get rid of or out grow this annoyance of floating off into never never land from time to time".


When the time came that the TV interview guests and writers about such experiences sometimes mention of "seeming to be in the presence of" or even "saying a few words to" something or someone who is often identified as either "God" or "the founder of" the predominant way of religious believing in the area where one lived before dying, my bad attitude seemed to be, -- "I don't feel like being in awe of you, or falling down to worship you", (see lack of affection and self reward above).

What I feel is that if you are what is behind all of this (the universe, how this all works, life-death, whatever is "life after death", how the universe works), prove to me who you are by showing me how all of this works; what is the principle behind it; what is the principal upon which all of being is based and show me how that explains the ideas one hears "when alive" from religions about predictions or promises for the future, human problems solved.


Whoever or whatever that I felt I was talking to or was in the presence of (like others recounting return from death experiences), then seemed to explain "how it works" (all of being on both the life side and after death side).

"It is not hard to understand", "it" seemed to say. Its all very simple once you understand the basic principle and mechanics of how it works. See ( 20 see repeating events difference arranging).


Having experienced around 15 years of living instead of a few months, and by that time having constructed ham radios, radio controlled model airplanes, and an avid if lonely reader of anything available about science, religion, ideas, philosophy, arguments between various idealisms, and living in the midst of the struggle to dominate human civilization between Dialectical Materialism (Marxism) and religion of various flavors including "the religion of thinking whatever one pleases without first asking permission, i.e. "Protestantism", the explanation given by whoever or whatever was showing "how it works" (the universe, spirituality, the material) seemed to fit all of the pieces together like the pieces of a huge jigsaw puzzle.


As "the explanation" seemingly was completed, "it" seemed to say, "you can't stay here" (dead). "You must go back and write books about this".

This apparently was a repetition of a reply given to several other individuals in the past history of human actions who had reached this point by a series of events similar to my sequence of "fortunate events", and who had "written books" that became the basic documents of various versions of idealistic and religious believing.


The next event after the "you can't stay here" reply seemed to be feeling I was lying with no clothes on, on a table in a room with no living persons in the room. It was apparently a morgue in a hospital where remains were kept until picked up by or waiting for authorization for disposal by next of kin. My clothes seemed to be on a rack in the room. I got up, put them on, and walked out of the hospital.


I went on to find work in aircraft factories in the Los Angeles area during the armaments buildup for World War II. I ended up in an engineering department designing control systems for television guided flying bombs in World War II.

As the time came for manufacturing and deployment of the bombs, individuals who would shortly be drafted anyway were offered positions as members of the US Navy to act as consultants for the installation of secret Navy parts in the devices they had designed as civilian engineers.


That led to arriving at a college to fill in not yet acquired undergraduate and graduate degrees.

This was before the first atomic bomb had been tested. The question came up in the course of the college catchup, how to calculate in advance mathematically (before actual device testing), whether the chain reaction of the explosion would stop with the reactions of only the materials of the atomic bomb, or if the chain reaction would spread to the hydrogen in the Earth's atmosphere, and thus perhaps blow up the Earth, or at least eliminate the atmosphere of the Earth and thus destroy all surface life on the Earth.


Thinking back over the events described so far in this background discussion, combined with the answers required to pass classes in advanced mathematics, chemistry, and physics, I suggested that the current system of mathematical reasoning (Cartesian Coordinate x, y, z coordinates geometry; Algebra based on determining what something that is unknown is "equal to" in the known; Trigonometry, that is to say converting what nature actually is into elements of triangles drawn inside and outside of a circle with a diameter agreed to be a quantity of 1; and the mathematics of motion or Calculus based on converting what nature is actually doing (volumetric coordinates resonation in harmony), to little systems of staircases or cubes stacked together so minutely and so closely that you could not tell the difference between a staircase and an actual curved path something in nature might be following (dydx = dz), bore practically no resemblance to how nature actually works.


Thus to calculate in advance mathematically whether an atomic bomb chain reaction (explosion) in the atmosphere of the Earth would spread to the hydrogen in the Earth's atmosphere, the possibility should be explored first of devising a system of mathematical reasoning and calculation that endeavors to base its methods on the way nature works, or how "nature reasons" when it engages in what in human terms is called mathematical reasoning.

This it was suggested would show more clearly how energy is converted into matter by nature (such as the element plutonium used in atomic bombs), and thus would probably show more clearly than by trying to use a system of reasoning such as Algebra, Trigonometry, and Calculus what happens when you reverse the creation processes of nature and turn matter back into energy (as in an atomic bomb explosion).


A starting point for such a reevaluation of current human mathematical reasoning and thus views or theories of how nature works (such as force overpowering force, purposeless statistical probability, action-reaction) I suggested could be the Einstein (or Lorenz) equations that produce as their final conclusion the widely mentioned "E=mc/2", wherein a few conclusions before the final "equalism statement" the statement is made mathematically that as a mass reaches the speed of light it becomes infinite.

What does "infinite" mean? Is that the point where "infinite" might include the hydrogen in the Earth's atmosphere?


A further suggestion was that "the speed of light" featured so prominently in the Einstein Relativity suggestion was a fiction resulting from a defect in equalism reasoning based mathematics, and a holdover mistake from using Cartesian Coordinates based geometry and Trigonometry in producing the suggestion that won Einstein the Nobel prize for "the photo electric effect" in which "photons" are pictured as transmitting "light" or "photo, i. e. human sight" range information.

It was suggested that "light" and its "speed" is an illusion of motion similar to watching a seal or sea gulls bob up and down as water waves "move" by them. The water they are floating in is not moving in the seeming direction of "waves coming into the shore of an ocean". Rather, they are moving up and down at right angles to the seeming motion of the "water waves".

Furthermore, the "speed of light", which should be thought of more correctly as the "speed" of information transfer (wave crests) in a medium that is not traveling anywhere at any speed, is not a "universal constant" throughout all of being that never slows down or speeds up to a different speed.

It is, however, said to be a constant in nature that never varies as a cornerstone of Einstein Relativity reasoning, and the ideas of converting energy to mass, and then mass back to energy (as in nature creating the plutonium used in an atomic bomb, and humans finding out how to reverse the process to turn plutonium back to energy, or perhaps a less complex form of being than plutonium).

I suggested "the speed of light" applies only to resonation in the events repetition range detected by human eyes, and the "speed" of whatever produces the illusion of something "traveling" as in water waves on an ocean is a faster speed at higher repeating events frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum, and the "speed" is slower in the repeating events area of the electromagnetic spectrum below "visible light".


Furthermore whatever "light is", is not the single phenomenon in all of how being works that is exempt for the "there's no free lunch" rule, or efficiency concept, and thus can "go on forever" never slowing down, always at one constant speed which is "the speed of light".


Therefore, it should be considered that "the big bang theory", "an exploding universe", and "the universe created in a time range of a second or so at a discrete calculable time in the past, (by working the seeming exploding rate calculations backward to determine when the expansion started by Cartesian Coordinate based reasoning), is also an illusion resulting from an unclear understanding of how nature and the universe works, which includes attributing an increasing "red shift" at greater astronomical distances to a doppler effect of a light source moving away from a point of observation (based on the probably faulty assumption that the "speed of light" is a constant that never varies anywhere in the universe.

Or in other words by presently accepted ideas in physics, the efficiency or no free lunch rule that applies to everything else in the universe does not apply to light.

I suggested that the reasonable alternative to the "never changing speed of light" is that "light" like everything else in the universe is subject to "using energy" to do what it does, and thus over time (and huge astronomical distances) will "slow down", and thus produce the condition observed as a "red shift".


At the time (about 21 years of age and still an undergraduate), it seemed like a life career had opened as a research physicist and developer of an alternate system of mathematical reasoning based on how nature functions instead of existing ideas as reviewed above. To start such a career simply needed the acceptance of an application for a graduate degree in physics and mathematics, to develop "spherical coordinate mathematics", and its implication in restating familiar conditions in physics and chemistry in the terms of "the mathematics of nature" instead of equation based, force overpowering force, efficiency or "there is no free lunch" does not apply to "light", purposeless statistical probability mathematics and physics.

The application for graduate studies to pursue and develop what has just been described was rejected on the grounds that current conventional ideas in mathematics and physics are able to explain anything I might imply in a new system of physics and mathematics.

"Explain whatever you have in mind with current ideas. New ideas are not necessary" was the reply.

It seemed to me, however, that the proposal had vastly greater potential than simply developing a better view of being than what is suggested by Einstein's relativity, or Fermi and Einstein's "quantum mechanics".

In the graduate studies application, learning from past experience not to mention one's source of ideas if one is suggesting that existing ideas may be incorrect (see above), I did not mention anything about the comparison of "out of body experiences" from an early age to what books and schools present as currently accepted ideas. If I had the graduate studies request if considered at all, probably would have been directed to a psychology department to study something such as "extra sensory perception", instead of the validity of and tests of what was observed by whatever "sensory methods" (does visually observing a "red shift" indicate the universe is exploding, or that light is slowing down because it is as much subject to efficiency as anything else in the universe?).


I decided to pursue the comparison between "visions seen" and how human actions currently thinks of and treat the same conditions as independent study not constricted by being told what I could not investigate, or "that is outside of the scope of your request or the interests of this university division, or the class work of this lecture series".

Freedom from around an age of a few months (no restrictions by peer group pressure, adults, or anything else), is how I had arrived at the ideas I wished to pursue as formal studies. I decided to continue in the same mode.


Thus more fortunate events happened. Instead of getting stuck and probably buried or at least locked into reenforcing the dogmatic beliefs of one particular either atheistic or religion oriented college or university, I embarked on a checkered and varied career.

A stint at engineering again, designing parts for jet engines at General Electric, (instead of television guided bombs), then buying and managing investment real estate (with an idea in the back of my mind of using part of the properties and tenants as a demonstration of the "total work in life buying" methods described in other parts of this collections of postings to Internet).


Before that could be brought to fruition another stroke of fortune; going bankrupt in the investment real estate business by being destroyed in the Chicago real estate market by the City of Chicago devising a way to confiscate buildings from private property owners without compensation. See the Chicago Property Owners Association before the United States Supreme court in he 1950's.

The US Supreme court ruled that confiscating private property without compensation is permissible if it "is for the good of the community". Good of the community in this instance was forcing apartment owners who were virtually forced to convert 12 room apartments before World War II to 1 to 3 room apartments to rent to war workers, and subsequently after the war became affordable housing for old age pensioners and other individuals with low income, to kick the old age pensioners and low income individuals out into the street, and convert their affordable efficiency apartments back to 12 room apartments, which with inflation and changes in a neighborhood (from in city wealthy tenants who had moved to estates out of town, to in city low income individuals and small beginning families), produced rental rates to continue to pay the mortgages on such real estate, not affordable or reasonable to anyone. Thus such apartment properties simply had to be abandoned, their owners bankrupted, and the city of Chicago confiscated the abandoned real estate.


This produced more sitting on the sidelines as a detached observer (albeit as a bankrupted investment property owner instead of a detached out of body experience observer), of failure of the current ways of how humans conduct business, and people being treated as other than their true total of what they have put into life; a misarranged difference arrangement as a cause of destruction, to use the terminology of other parts of this computer book.

The fortune in that event was deciding to devote as much of full time as possible to finishing up and describing useful conclusions and immediate ways to put into operation the ideas and implications of what this computer book calls "repeating events difference arranging physics". >P> Without this stroke of fortune, I might have had so much time taken up with the management of the investment properties and demonstrations for a few tenants of the "total work in life receiving" procedure, that I would not before this current body expired from old age have completed this presentation in the form found here.

I had hoped that after a few years of the project that I could sell its assets and use the proceeds to travel the Earth to gain notice of and show how to put into operation what is described in this computer book. I ended up instead broke with another start over from the beginning point, sitting on the sidelines again, and surviving by working at various pay by the hour jobs.

Much of what was filled in and completed that probably would not have been noticed or stumbled into if the business operation had been successful in Chicago is the portions of "resonation physics" connecting with testable procedures the material and the spiritual, such as the portions about fulfilling the predictions of earlier writers about "the last enemy that will be conquered is death", who or what is "God" and "intelligence", and the next step in human evolution (creation), of "Homo Net" replacing "Homo Sapiens", (integrating the facts and implications of electronic computers and Internet into the vague predictions and promises of "previous writers of books" who apparently experienced a sequence of fortunate events in their lives similar to what is described here).


As the years went by I wrote books about various ways to describe what I had seemed to see or had been shown from a few months of age, and then relived in the being killed event around age 17, and as ongoing experiences for many years after, (wandering through a strange land as an outside observer, or as if it might be imagined that one was an invisible UFO anthropologist who stops by the Earth every 500 years or so to see how things are progressing with the development of life on this planet).

Will human civilization survive at its crucial transition stage from instinct to understanding, or will it destroy itself through failing to evolve sufficient intelligence to realize how the rest of the universe works and thus revise its distribution procedure to operate in the way the rest of the universe functions, which thus provides a model for how to solve human population exceeding the support capabilities of its range (available resources) by the way of creation, (how to slow down a business system without causing an economic disaster), ---

--- or by not realizing and implementing in human actions the basic properties of graduated magnitudes difference arranging in time, the problem of human population on this Earth solved by humans destroying themselves?


In the more than 50 years since the 1940's and the rejection of the subject for a graduate thesis, the out of body sensations came to be replaced by alive in a body sensations of encountering the parts of an "electricity generating plant" (as a metaphor) as real life experiences.

It felt like seeming suddenly to realize or be shown what the parts actually are in human problems solved, or the function now in existence parts can perform. Or how a part, circuit, or arrangement now in place as physical realty either is not being used yet, or used in some other way than its intended use, -- and seeming suddenly to realize or be shown the function of the part in how all of being works.


An example of this is seeming to "see" or "realize" what the record keeping is that started in the 1930's and called in the United States of America its "Social Security System".

In the USA Social Security system a record is kept throughout a person's life of how much money one has earned in one's life from which Social Security deductions (FICA taxes) are made throughout one's life as one "earns money honestly", "helps others" and thus gets paid money for selling one's services or items.


Money obtained dishonestly by stealing, selling illegal items such as drugs, political payoffs, money "under the table" or "not declared as income" to avoid or cheat on paying one's income taxes -- of course is not reported to build up the total in one's Social Security Account. Thus Social Security records it would seems can also be thought of as the records of "how honest a person has been in one's life" in an idealistic, religious, and "morality" sense.

It appears that record of "the (honest) works of one's life" is what was being seen or shown to return from death individuals in the past who "returned to being alive to write books", and described what they felt they were shown happening at some indeterminate time in the future as a "judgment day" and "opening of the books in which each person's works are written, and everyone receiving according to their doings".

Then seeming to realize or be shown that "Karma" in Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism is a commentary on the same condition.

Other examples are the underline click on words in this electronic book 29 atheism, God, and 18 Homo Net.


The bottom line of this background discussion was that a fork in the road watershed decision point was reached where the application for graduate studies to develop what the book "Speaking With Clouds" describes was rejected.

The decision was whether to accept the rejection and choose a narrow area of graduate studies (conventional currently accepted ideas for graduate studies) that would leave out substantial portions of what I sensed was the potential for all of what I felt I could describe, or to pursue what this 1a www home page now describes as independent work not hampered by the restrictions of current academic ideas of what are not acceptable human ideas and actions to investigate and perhaps develop "new ideas" or "new bridges" in unsolved human problem areas.

Example: Is morality a property of nature? - that if whatever it is can be located, understood, and tested, can be applied to human actions such as problems encountered in human business procedure, such as "how to pay for" what human curiosity has discovered how to do, without "immoral destroying" of the individuals who have solved the problems, and at the same time with the same "morality as a property of nature" idea, deal with and solve the "human nature" problem of who or what must first be destroyed, stolen from, or enslaved to solve current human problems?


A substantial portion of deciding to develop this as independent study was the time consideration both of a current human life span, and the pace of development or worsening of human problems not solved (primarily in business procedure and political areas).

There was not enough time (or money available) to spend perhaps a third of one's life purposely giving wrong answers to questions just to get academic accreditation in one narrow area.

To do what I had in mind (and had seen the details of in various odd experiences from around the age of 2), I would have to scan and combine the essence of all academic disciplines in all areas both material and spiritual into one simple understandable statement within the time constraints of a current human body. By current acceptable methods that would take more than a hundred years and hundreds of thousands of money units by current academic accreditation methods.

There was not enough time and money available for that. So I pursued the course of independent development without academic approval.


It might now be said in hindsight that all of the actions and life activities conscious or unconscious of the hands writing these words from around the age of 2 to the present (1995 AD), amounted to a single minded effort to get what this www home page now describes said in brief readable words before the hands and hydrocarbon based data processor that produced what you are now reading here would expire and need to be replaced.

There was not enough time for side excursions into mural painting (this www postings is a mural), mechanical device inventing, and observed details of all being were now in print in libraries and universities all over the Earth (and as of 1995 AD available in seconds by the www on Internet).


The replacement procedure is described in this www posting, and the computer on which this is being written contains the data and calculation programs to accomplish the replacement in case anyone is eventually interested.

With human intelligence evolution not yet having reached the point of being able solve or even think of and recognize that a human overpopulation problem and business system distribution problems exist, so that destruction of human life on this Earth is the course on which human civilization is currently set, (notwithstanding that the physical elements to solve all current human problems have now become physical fact instead future vision seeing), it will probably take some time if at all before any conscious actions are undertaken to replace the body of the hands writing this or anyone else's consciousness manifestation vehicle.


There is apparently absolutely zero interest by anyone anywhere at this time in fulfilling the prediction or promise "the last enemy that will be conquered will be death", as well as zero interest by any groups that invite speakers, interview programs, news programs, newspapers, magazines, or regular publishers in accomplishing what is promised, predicted, or implied in the idealistic system in which individuals, listeners, viewers, or readers claim to believe from any religion, to skepticism, to atheism.

What a disappointing condition. Well at least getting what this www home page describes said before needing a replacement body was a success, even though all of the rest of this project appears to be virtually a total failure.

Now that it is completed apparently virtually no one is interested in what it describes. An almost total failure seems to be indicated in trying to accomplish any kind of interest in, comment on, discussion about, or testing to see if it works of anything this www posting describes.

A summary follow up to this background is contained in 35 epilog.

Copyright 1996. Reply to akwu@canuck.com or A. Brown, c/o Miracle Network P.O. Box 36090, Lakeview Postal Outlet, Calgary, Alberta T3E 7C6 Canada. Book "Speaking With Clouds" $10 - Printing of Internet postings plus more details than the sparse language of WWW or Newsgroups. More details at http://www.canuck.com/~akwu/ab

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Last update March 10, 1998