NOTE: This is a repeating in different words of what is described in 33 Background, and 32 Start. Skip this selection. Do not read it if you do not like repetition.

It is included in this answers to questions section in answer to a question, attitude, or retort by atheists and skeptics that can be phrased as the question, "Are you willing to admit that what you describe or claim about out of body experiences, instead of being real is just a flight of fancy?"

Yes. It could be simply a figment of imagination or flight of fancy. Regardless of whether the origin is real or imagination, it still produced specific answers to specific real problems. What is described should not be accepted or rejected on the basis of its origin, but rather upon testing what is described to see if it works, ("seal on the words" instead of a seal upon who says the words).

Be that as it may here is a reply to how this "How to pay for it" solution to a substantial portion of current human problems was developed in a frame of reference of "Is what this describes just a flight of fancy". The events described on the life side of death are real. The events, possibly on the other side of death is what an atheist will probably feel more comfortable calling "a flight of fancy".


Let me take you on a flight of fancy, part real, probably part imagination, -- a mixture of fairy tales, camp fire stories, superstitions, what is believed to be scientific fact and provable reality, what is believed as dogma in the absence of provable explanations of what is felt intuitively or by strong conviction (such as "God"), inventions that are real past and present, inventions imagined past and present that are not yet reality, prophecy of both Paradise and doom, art as metaphor, art as a mirror of the state of human understanding or confusion at turning points in human affairs, or art as escape from or a statement of unsolved problems.

One can be entertained by such a flight of fancy, in the same way as reading a science fiction novel, or seeing on TV a series of flights of fancy such as Star Trek, or listening to an entrancing camp fire story teller.

Many humans throughout human history have spent much of their lives being entertained in such a way. They are people who endlessly attend plays, operas, concerts, theme parks, other entertainment spectacles, many members of religions and idealistic systems, and people who use drugs either chemical or spiritual (hypnosis, meditation, channeling, chanting, self imposed starvation, psychoanalysis), to be entertained by flights of fancy, or imaginary visits to Paradise, Utopia, their problems solved (no more pain, worry) or human problems solved as an emotional state or in their imagination -- but not in the real world, the material world of human actions.

Through what some might say (such as the state of California divorce system and disposal of children in a divorce), were a series of misfortunes of both health and treatment after birth (rickets), I was apparently born experiencing what "seemed to be the natural state of one's environment", the entertainment of flights of fancy, out of body experiences, and "return from death experiences" that most people after they become adults have to go to considerable trouble and willful action to accomplish, but I did not realize it at the time because it seemed natural to assume "that is the way everyone lives and experiences the material and the spiritual".

I gradually started to realize that what seemed natural to me was not the way most people experience their lives. That what I felt I was seeing was not what most people see as their natural way of living; visions, flights of fancy of how human affairs would develop in the future, seeming to see as if they were reruns of broadcasts of programs on TV the visions or flights of fancy that founders of religions saw that led them to found the religions or idealistic systems bearing their names but for which words have now come into being that can describe what they showed in understandable language, (God, beasts, plagues, end of the world), inventions in the future that had not yet been invented, ways of doing business in the future (guaranteed reward in life for honesty, obviously a vast departure from the way reality currently works, or at least in the words and ideas used to accomplish current human "business activity").

Then at late teen age becoming involved in a real instead of imagined flight of fancy event that apparently was similar to what many people currently interviewed on tabloid TV programs and described in various books have experienced; seemingly being killed (in a smashup on a race track), then experiencing what so many others interviewed on TV and for accounts of their experiences in books describe of feeling as if one is floating above and looking down at one's body at a death scene, or in a hospital operating room where one has died, meeting deceased loved ones and perhaps whoever is charge over there-- but then by some strange turn of events seeming to return to their body and continue living, and "describe what it was like" to have died.

In my case it seemed I had a different "attitude", even a "bad attitude" about such an experience.

Instead of it seeming to be an interesting, entertaining, and even amazing event in my life, because such experiences seemed to me to be "the normal way everyone feels all the time" it seemed to be more of just the same old annoyance.

But upon experiencing perhaps actually being killed, when I arrived at where ever it is that one "meets departed loved ones on the other side", and in several accounts by others feels as if one has "met and spoken in person with the founder of the idealistic system of which one was a member when one was alive", I had the irreverent and rather bad attitude of being annoyed and bored with the whole event.

It was like saying or feeling, "here we go off to never never land again" interrupting whatever one was doing that was real, as a bothersome annoyance, having to stand around and wait and wait and wait doing nothing but "standing around feeling good" and nothing else, accomplishing nothing, like waiting at a train station or airport for a train or airplane to take you somewhere real that never arrives.

I seemed to have an attitude, "I'm fed up with this interruption, this annoyance of floating around or standing around and doing nothing over and over again. When I seemed to be in the presence of someone or something that was "the person in charge there", I seemed to have the irreverent attitude that instead of being in awe of such a presence, I seemed to communicate or say to "it", "Are you the one responsible for this? -- If there is anything real to any of this, show me what it is, show me how it works, and lets forget about being entertained or amazed by this drug trip in the sky experience, this riding a thrill ride roller coaster or loop-o-plane in this Heavenly theme park, but ending up going nowhere".

That was a bad attitude to exhibit if one was, as others have speculated, in the presence of what might be "God", or "the founder of one's religion" when one was alive, or being privileged to experience what it is like after dying but then go back to the living to tell about it.

So I seemed to communicate to whomever or whatever "it" was the idea, "cut out this thrill ride or entertainment with me, or standing around feeling good but doing nothing. I have been doing this for as long as I can remember. Instead of the thrill ride show me the operating principle behind how all of this works". It seemed the question I was asking was about all being everywhere both on the living side and after death side of being.

So "it" or "He" seemed to show or explain to me how "it" works. What "He" showed seemed to mean or imply how anything and everything in the universe works, how whatever those who believe "God created everything" did what He did and the basic principle or principles involved, as well as an explanation that would satisfy atheism because it is composed of testable, repeatable experiment parts, 29 ("the mystery of God ended"), as the phenomenon is realized that produces a conviction that "intelligence" and "planning" is involved in how being functions, and to which one can in fact "pray, tune into, resonate with, for guidance", see 23 the operating system of the universe.

A condition was shown apparently still to radical for spirituality, that "oneness" includes everything both spiritual AND material, instead of spirituality as a way to run away from, be excused from, or escape unsolved problems on "lower planes of existence".

After the explanation or showing, it seemed "it" said to me, "you cannot stay here, you have to go back and write this in books". Then it seemed the same thing happened that people interviewed on tabloid TV and tabloid newspapers describe. I seemed to be back in my body again. By that time it was lying on a slab in what was apparently a morgue, waiting to be claimed by next of kin.

No one seemed to be in the room but some other bodies waiting to be claimed by relatives, so I got up and left.

Remember I have suggested this may be nothing more than imagination, or perhaps an outline for an episode of Star Trek. Then again, maybe it is describing something real. Judge it by testing it to see if it works, (total value put into life buying, resonation physics to replace force overpowering force physics, and extending the work of Tesla, (many different ways to see visions in one's head of repeating events).

If I have nothing more to say than others who have said "we were on the other side of death, felt good for a short while, and now can tell you how good it felt, (similar to using drugs to "feel good", end pain ), or that there is something after death", it would be a waste of your time for me simply to restate the same things others have said that amount in essence to little more than claiming "we felt ecstasy, but no problems actually solved" for the living.

If on the other hand as a result of the "bad attitude" developed over the first 17 years or so of life ("oneness" includes both spiritual AND material), I did "bring back" something real, "an invention of the future that can be assembled in real life now" based on principles not yet consciously discovered or realized so far in human actions, then you are confronted with one or the other of two possibilities:

1. it may not have been a flight of fancy after all. Maybe I was shown something real "on the other side", and brought it back to be "described in books", this book as an example. This does not rule out the idea "guidance". - or -

2. I am simply another inventor who has invented something, like someone who invents a heavier than air flying machine, or steam or gasoline powered engine, or alternating current generators and motors like Nikola Tesla. My invention is "resonation physics" and its combination test snd practical application to human business problems titled in this electronic book "Total Value Put Into Life Buying, and Pay By The Act Of Distribution".

In either case, a description of "how the universe works" brought back from "the other side" and practical applications to SOLVE current human problem using what was shown, -- or simply another invention by an inventor and who knows or who cares how inventors such as Edison or Tesla, or Einstein, Mendeleyev, Newton, Galileo, Kepler, Copernicus and many others invent (or "create or plan") what they do, this electronic book ("How To Pay For It) does describe a testable procedure that apparently can solve many current human problems, with the results of such solutions if put into operation in the real world instead of a flight of fancy or Star Trek science fiction imagination world, repeatedly appear to be an accomplishing in real life of conditions described, predicted, prophesied for the future by the founders of the religious and idealistic systems believed in all over the Earth (their vision words or flights of fancy described in current understandable language).

Be entertained by these pages like another episode of Star Trek, or try doing what they describe to see if it does solve many current human problems in the ways predicted or promised for so long by the religions in which people believe.

The something real that can be tested that I either have imagined in flights of fancy, brought back from return from death experiences, or simply invented like other inventors and their inventions is a WAY OF DOING BUSINESS that solves many current human problems.

The illustration page 4 "A Similar Life In Each System" shows two charts comparing present ways of doing business, and the suggestion I have either invented or have seen as visions of the future how human business might take place sometime in the future. The lines on the charts are labeled with similar events taking place in a life of a person by present ways that human business procedure is conducted, and the same events at the same time in a person's life in the way of doing business seen in visions, or "brought back in a return from death experience".

Although the various explanation notes around the two charts may at first seem confusing, the business procedure shown in the top chart is as simple for anyone to understand as present ways of doing business. See 3 Life simple enough to understand again.

In present ways of doing business, almost every human in the human race and even if considered to be of low intelligence such as by a birth defect, is able to grasp and use the simple idea, if you want something, get the amount of money that is stated as the price of what you want, and give the amount of money in exchange for what you want to receive. This can be called money spending buying. The new way of doing business can be called: TOTAL VALUE PUT INTO LIFE BUYING and PAY BY THE ACT OF DISTRIBUTION.

The new way of doing business is just as simple, and in fact probably simpler. It is, anyone can have for the asking a reasonable amount of what you want, before anyone who has put less into life than you, but after anyone who has put more into life, (karma applied to economics, "karmic economics"). You earn permanent purchasing ability you do not lose once it is earned.

The reason why the new way is simpler than "spend money to buy something you want" is that HOW TO GET THE MONEY TO SPEND IN PRESENT HUMAN BUSINESS SYSTEMS quite often turns out to be an almost unsolvable mystery. One can be willing to get money "honestly" by working to earn it, and one may have been an attentive student in schools and have become qualified to do various kinds of work, but not be able to find any person or group willing to give one a job to earn money. Human ingenuity, human inventions have produced many different items and services that are available to be purchased but are going unsold in places of business, because people who would like to buy the items or services that are available do not have the money to spend to buy them, ("Babylon the whore who corrupted the Earth".

In the new way of doing business I saw in visions, anything that has become available and is available to be received by customers, can be received simply for the asking, by the simple and easy to understand orderly procedure: -- you can receive before someone who has put less into life than you, but after someone who has put in more, (see 18 "homo net").

This I saw as an explanation of the mystery of the vision seen by someone else in the past (on an island named Patmos), "and merchants weep because no one buys their merchandise any more", and "Babylon the whore who corrupted the Earth is fallen in one day, and in one hour of that day".

To get people talking about, seeing visions about, imagining how problems in their life would be solved by such a way of doing business, and get tests started to see if the new way of doing business would actually work, such as by economics departments in colleges or universities and especially universities that are part of a religion that teaches what this book describes as a prediction about the future as part of a person's religious beliefs, ---

--- get research and development departments (R&D), think tanks, discussion programs such as "The MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour", "Meet The Press", "The Brinkley Report", as well as tabloid TV programs such as Current affair, Hard Copy, Inside Edition, and radio and TV interview and listener telephone call in programs such as Art Bell, Laura Lee, and local interview programs to TALK ABOUT AND TEST what this book describes.

Keep asking the question of anyone you meet and letters you write or telephone calls you make to radio or TV programs: --- "What do you think of this?". Will you allow a pro and con discussion of this? Will you ask the opinion of interview guests and authorities of various kinds about current human actions about: ---


I could explain the simple operating details of this new way of doing business now, but describing the details of anything of "how something works", "what is the principle or principles used to get something to do what it does we have dug up as an artifact of a past civilization, or crashed space ship, or discovered, perhaps seen as an invention of a future civilization", -- seem to be utterly boring to almost everyone. Not able to get speaking or interview invitations for something so boring.

Almost everyone it appears would rather be entertained such as by WATCHING television, instead of bored to tears with the details of how to assemble various little parts and what each little part does to get a TV to display a picture by simply clicking an on button on a remote control from a position on a couch, -- or what are the principles combined to get a horseless carriage to work, or an airplane to fly? How or why does an internal combustion engine work? What do the wings of an airplane do to keep it up in the air? How is an automatic pilot able to fly an airplane instead of a human pilot?

What is the operating system on which the universe is constructed? Practically no one is interested in or wants to be bored to tears with such behind the scenes details. Most people just want to turn a TV on and see a picture, or get into an automobile and drive somewhere, or fly somewhere in an airplane, --- and not be bothered with the tedium of how a TV, automobile, or airplane. or the universe, or "God" does what He, She, or It does.

What would you do if by some strange sequence of events you should meet "God" face to face and have the option of doing one or the other of two things:

1. fall down in awe and worship because you are suddenly in such a presence, and after a few moments of that seemingly be told "time's up". Next fall down in awe worshipper, or

2. Say something such as "God, now that you are here where I can apparently talk to you and feel like you are answering me back, there is a question I have always said I would like to ask if I ever met God in person some day.

It is, not how to understand and assemble the parts for and then turn on a TV set, ("every eye on the Earth will see someone speaking with clouds"), or how "a city has no need of Sun" (produce and use electric lighting). Other humans can now tell me those things if I am interested enough to listen to them.

What I want you to tell me God is what is the basic principle on which the Universe is based, and that you used to do all of the things you planned or created so far in the universe, and prove to me that it really is the basic principle you used by it showing how TO SOLVE the remaining problems human face that they are promised would be solved some day in the religions in which they believe", that apparently resulted from experiences such as I am now experiencing.

Apparently almost everyone given such an opportunity has chosen or would choose to be amazed, fall down in awe and worship, and be told to move on after a few moments of awe, and be bored to tears with what might be the reply to the question "What makes the universe work the way it does?" or "What was the basic principle You used to create the universe and everything in it, and how can finally understanding it ("return to grace") be used to solve the remaining problems humans face?"

So instead of describing details here of what is apparently a crushing bore to virtually anyone, I will continue on from here with a wandering camp fire story (entertainment instead of substance).

If you want to skip ahead and read the last chapter of a detective story to see how it comes out before you wade through the story teller steps of a mystery, turn to the last few pages of this discussion, (first pages in some versions), quick summaries of details, letters to various individuals on radio or TV interview programs, and posting of various bits and pieces of this on INTERNET to see if anyone is eventually curious enough to assemble the pieces and do what is stated or implied in this suggestion.

I repeat again in slightly different words, my intention in any of this was not to "me too" or "one up" unprovable claims by others about who or what was seen or experienced, nor to try to separate the "real" from the "imagined" to try to "study" the phenomena to prove or disprove it.

Instead my intention was purposely to blend all of the phenomena experienced from whatever source into a TANGIBLE RESULT THAT CAN BE TESTED TO SEE IF IT CAN SOLVE PREVIOUSLY UNSOLVED PROBLEMS.

I was bored with the destruction and doom such prophetic experiences usually present. I demanded to get on to the creative and solved problems. With free will and morality one can choose to reject "predestined" destruction and choose creation. There is always "two hands held out". Destruction is the default in free will of choosing to do nothing.

With such an intention it is of minor importance whether one imagines one is personally experiencing a condition that someone else may have written but its reading forgotten, and years later one feels one is doing personally what is simply a memory switch of a forgotten past suggestion by some other human.

Much of the phenomena took place at an age before learning to read and write. All such mental interchanging of reality and imagination is rendered of small importance if one can "bring back" and describe "something new" that can be TESTED, irrespective of the technical workings of a brain that describes such a testable result.

Why not endeavor to make use of all available resources with which one is apparently presented and let the end result be judged on its testable merit, instead of try to prove "scientifically" that some of the resources are false or not what one imagines they might be? If an alternating current 3-phase electric motor can be described and tested to see if it works, why try to discredit such a result and say it is useless because portions of "how it was thought of" seem to have been "metaphysical".

The same can be said for current human problems in business and government, (using the same central idea and perhaps source as the 3 phase electric motor, "the city had no need of the sun"). Maybe this will provide what someone else will repeat or plagiarize as another "flight of fancy", but who has a desirable personality instead of the yin-yang opposite of charisma, and thus will be allowed to speak, be published, be interviewed, and answer questions about any of this.

Maybe it took irreverence, skepticism and the opposite of charisma to break through to what these pages show, but the opposite to be allowed to have what one saw be published and be of interest to groups who allow speaking and interviews.

Go to 78 Weissbach Interview

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