(definition of terms - the canvas)

To solve a problem in a relationship or device, having an idea, viewpoint, knowledge, or theory of how and why a condition with a problem functions the way it does, and what it is supposed to be doing that it is not doing so that a problem has arisen, is usually helpful.

In this writing by an instance of Earth human life "problems" infer what are problems from a current human life on the Earth point of view.

Earth human life is, however, part of a larger condition that is all of being and all of the universe.

Humans not too severely crippled in their thinking by a theory of being that says, "destroy anything you do not understand or disagree with -- just to be safe", (a viewpoint ranging from the teachings of various religions, to various rationalizations for destruction derived from atheism), usually do not find it unacceptable to consider that human life on the Earth has developed from and must follow whatever are the basic relationships and "laws" of nature, physics, or "God" that have caused all of the rest of being to be what it is

Precisely what the basic relationships and "laws" are that have caused everything (including human life on the Earth) to work the way it does in the universe and on the Earth has, however, been a matter about which there has been considerable disagreement, confusion, as well as bloodshed among humans it would appear, for most of their existence so far, (or in other words a constant problem for humans).

At the time this is being written, one of the new experiences (and environment) for humans, is what has happened as a consequence of the functioning of the basic processes of nature that is called "computers", and with a closer focus as a background for this writing "personal", "desktop", "laptop" and "palmtop" computers.

Thus many new words and ideas have been added to human thinking by the confrontation with computers as one of the most recent results of how and why nature functions as it does.

Thousands of humans (and especially young humans who are students in schools, but also many adults now being confronted by computers), are gaining an understanding of how computers work as naturally and at the same time (biological window) in their lives that they are gaining a natural ability to speak the word sounds language they have been hearing from a few moments after they were born.

One of the things someone comes to know about computers as one grows up with computers everywhere speaking whatever language computers speak, (or an adult forced by some circumstance to learn how to speak and understand computer language), is that each computer has an operating system that enables a computer whether large or small to do what it does.

If you want to understand and solve "a problem a computer is having", it is necessary in virtually any instance to have some degree of knowledge about or viewpoint of what is "its operating system".

"Something's operating system" is becoming an idea, a metaphor for approaching, understanding, and solving problems in any area of human actions.

Thus to understand how to approach and solve a problem (with a computer, and increasingly in other areas as a consequence of computers), determine and understand what is "the operating system" of whatever it is you are dealing with, and from that deduce or come to understand what it is something is supposed to be doing, or what it is not doing that it ought to be doing because in some way a relationship, a law, a rule of its "operating system" is not being followed.

With such a metaphor and procedure as a way to approach a problem, and considering that humans on the Earth are part of and a consequence of a larger system called all of being or the universe, to approach problems humans encounter, a beginning can be first to consider a viewpoint, or theory, or "what is the language of" The Operating System Of The Universe?

Bill Gates of Microsoft assembled the "operating system" for MS-DOS computers. How Bill Gates, said to be one of the richest persons in the United States as this is being written, accomplished such a position of wealth by providing the "operating system" for a majority of the small "personal computers" now proliferating by the millions throughout human civilization as the 21st century is approaching,---

--- is not as important as now that "MS-DOS" is an accomplished fact everywhere on the Earth, using it as a metaphor to unlock the mystery of a value and a treasure almost infinitely greater than the wealth Bill Gates has achieved with MS-DOS which is, - the operating system of the universe. (and thus solve current world wide human spiritual, financial, and political problems !).

One can use the same kind of approach (attitude) in observing the larger system of which human life on the Earth is one of the results, that one can use in understanding something as simple as a personal computer operating system. In the same sense that MS-DOS is the operating system of a Bill Gates personal computer, -- what is the operating system of the universe? How does it work?

Everything in the universe appears to use it. Everything from the simplest conditions to the most complex.

That it would appear places a severe restriction on what it is.

It is apparently something that is not only potentially understandable and usable by a result of its functioning as complex as, for example, human life on the Earth and all human actions, but also understandable and usable by something as simple as a one celled amoeba, or individual atoms, or separate atomic particles, and whatever came before a condition such as "particles".


Rational ideas (as distinguished from religious dogma), often use as a starting point to understand how being functions, the viewpoint that anything that exists is in some form of motion.

Thus using the basic idea "motion" as a starting point to arrive at an opinion of what is "the operating system of the universe", it can be observed that there are two kinds of motion: straight line motion, and repeating event motion.

The fundamental property of straight line motion is movement as a single event in a straight line according to the principles of purposeless statistical probability. It is often referred to in a context of testable scientific explanation as "Newtonian physics" and "Newton's Laws Of Motion".

The fundamental property of repeating events motion is movement that repeats according to the principles of predictability derived from observing the time and environment of a repeating event. It is often referred to in a context of testable scientific explanation as "wave length", "periodicity", or "resonation frequency".

(An examination of what is suggested here as "The Operating System Of The Universe" applied to the question "WHEN DID EVERYTHING BEGIN", and what kind of motion happened at "the beginning", and in particular motion with:

1. "the big bang" theory at a time perhaps 6 to 12 billion years ago;

2. "continuous creation" reaching back to a time before a "big bang" and still observable as happening now;

3. the "creationist theory" of some religious believing where "the start" is said to have been about 6000 years ago, has been moved from this part of this writing to an appendix for three reasons: 1) Very boring reading. 2) Practically everyone's mind is already made up about the issue. 3) The conclusion given prior choice is that irrespective of how and when what is here now started, ---

--- being is what it can be observed to be now and that is the reality we have to deal with to solve current problems.

Also with the rest of what this discussion describes all of the above theories can be accommodated by accomplishing what each either promises or implies in either the reason or dogma upon which each is based.

It is now suggested that if one wishes to imagine that the beginning "motions" that took place in the universe that have led to where we are now, were at their start straight line motions described by what is now called "Newtonian laws of motion", and more specifically that an entity in motion proceeds in a straight line until collision with another entity, or capture in a gravitational orbit, and that such motion follows the principles of purposeless statistical probability,

--- that a fundamental relationship, principle, and "law of nature" can be observed to start at the point where "motion" ceases to be "motion in a straight line by the principles of purposeless statistical probability", and becomes "motion" of something that exhibits the properties of a "repeating event".

"particles" rotating in an atom;
planets rotating around a sun,
a galaxy rotating.

When something is moving as a repeating event, its functioning thereafter ceases to follow the principles of purposeless statistical probability, and thereafter follows the principles of predictability derived from the essence of observable repeating.

It is suggested here that when a condition or relationship starts exhibiting the characteristics of "a repeating event", that such repetition then becomes as much a property inherent in an entity, as other properties it may be observed to possess such as mass, velocity, energy level (heat-entropy), and "strong and weak forces" of electromagnetic and gravitational fields.

Testable evidence that "repeating events" are as much a fundamental property of an entity as its mass, velocity, and energy level, is the testable condition that is becoming more and more apparent with any kind of detectable entity, that with the attachment to or placing in the vicinity of anything of appropriate repeating events detecting devices, it is found that virtually anything is generating or radiating repeating events phenomena that ranges from what is currently accepted as the event repetition range of electromagnetic phenomena, to repeating events falling outside the range of the currently agreed to 52 "electromagnetic spectrum", but for which there is no evidence to suggest that longer time event repetitions follow "laws in nature" different from shorter length of time between event repetitions.

That the repeating events properties of any kind of entity by currently accepted ideas in chemistry, scientific measurement, and theories in physics may seem to be limited to the narrow area of what currently is defined as electromagnetic phenomena, it appears is more a matter of limitations and lack of sophistication in the kinds of measuring devices used to measure repeating events properties of an entity than "the property" taking place only in the currently accepted views of the range of electromagnetic phenomena.

An additional consideration is that "the property" (of repeating events) outside of the range of currently agreed to electromagnetic phenomena may be various conditions that are quite obvious, but that it is not yet an accepted viewpoint to consider as being simply an extension of what is observable and measurable by electromagnetic range oriented devices.

For example, it is easily observable and verifiable by repeatability testing by multiple observers, that virtually all organic life on the Earth measures and responds to the continually repeating event of the 24 hour condition of day-night resulting from the turning of the Earth on its axis in respect to the star around which the earth is rotating in an orbit (diurnal cycle).

It has been observed and accepted for at least the last 300 years or more, that a 28 day repeating event takes place in large collections of water found everywhere on the Earth called "tides" when the water is on a size scale of oceans and large lakes, and that such a 28 day repeating event corresponds with the position of the Earth's moon as it rotates around that Earth.

Furthermore, an entity seemingly as far away as the sun around which the Earth rotates, with the sophistication of measuring and mathematical calculation methods in the last 400 years have demonstrated that the magnitude of the repeating event of tidal motion in large bodies of water on the Earth also correlates with a combining of the repeating event of the position of the Earth's moon, and the positions of the Earth's Sun in respect to the Earth, its moon, and the Sun around which the earth rotates as interrelated repeating events.

Within the context of a three entity combination of the Earth, its moon, and its Sun, still more permutations of repeating events have been observed either by the mathematics of calculating the combining of repeating events (pioneered principally by Johannes Kepler in the "Western scientific era"), or verified by direct observation, (an activity traceable at least several thousand years into the past in human actions and speculations about why things happen as they do in nature, ranging from "God" or "Gods", to purposeless statistical probability calculations of either Keplerian or Newtonian motion).

The most noticeable of such 3 entity permutation observations are eclipses of the moon, eclipses of the sun, and a repeating events pattern of the path traced on the surface of the earth of the shadow of the moon during a solar eclipse.

The repeating event of the Earth taking approximately 365-1/4 rotations to return to an index point in its orbit around its Sun (such as the Winter Solstice or "end of the year") is in turn a repeating event that has been widely observed and repeatedly tested as a repeating event measured and responded to by migrating animals and birds, and also is the one year repeating event of the growing of plants gathered by humans and other life on the Earth as food.

More subtle and longer term repeating events that have been detected and verified in less than the last 10 years or so (as of 1993 AD) are apparently entities in "motion" and "repeating events" in the range of floating of tectonic plates on the surface of the Earth, and of earthquakes resulting from such repeating events motion.

Considering repeating events as a fundamental property of anything, but noticeable and testable at greater distances than attachment of electromagnetic (or gravity) measuring devices to entities, or interrelating of repeating events at the distances involved in the rotation of the earth around its Sun, and the repeating event of the rotation of the Earth's moon, it has tended to become a generally agreed to condition at this time by physicists and astronomers, ---

--- that "light" from distant stars at distances on the order of millions of light years, is a repeating event on the order of about 10 with 15 0's after the 10 event repetitions per second, wherein the color (to human eyes) of "red" is observed, and also observed to "shift" from an Earth located color of red in a light spectrum, in the direction of the "red end of a spectrum", which in turns has led to theorizing about why a "red shift" is observable in light from distant stars.

That many such observable "stars" no matter how near or distant from the Earth turn out with more sophisticated measurements to be "repeating events" apparently identical to what can be observed from the Earth relatively close at hand and thus with greater certainty of precisely what is being observed as the repeating event of the rotation of the Milky Way galaxy of which the Earth and its Sun are a part, provides additional evidence to suggest that no matter how small or how large one's area of observation, a fundamental property of anything is repeating events.

As continually increasing evidence accumulates from ever increasing sophistication in human senses extension devices of many kinds, it is becoming more and more apparent that the whole environment of the whole universe from an individual hydrogen ion and sub atomic level to the level of galaxies and all of the universe is riddled everywhere with repeating events phenomena, and the constant changes (in a repeating events manner) of electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields as a huge (repeating events) changing shape environment in which everything in the universe exists.

As more and more is discovered about the minute subtilties of how anything from DNA to the whole universe continually measure and respond to the shape and pulse (repeating events) of the environment in which anything exists, and what is the nature of the repeating events measuring function and devices found in any entity from individual atoms to a whole complex entity from life forms to whole planetary and galaxy systems, the suggestion becomes increasingly overwhelming that the fundamental process taking place everywhere in the universe is repeating events generating-measuring- evaluating and rebroadcasting repeating events by every entity in the universe.

An objection is sometimes raised by physicists at the time this is being written, that the "gravitational attraction" of remote entities such as other solar systems in the milky way galaxy, to say nothing of "distant stars", and even other gravitational entities in the same solar system of the Earth, are so far away, that their "gravitational attraction" is too small to have any effect on any kind of condition on the Earth, are apparently using tunnel vision that appears to imagine that "Newtonian" straight line motion attraction due to gravity is the only condition possible.

The condition of an overall "resonation shape" at any point in the universe because of how entities in the universe are distributed, and especially the shape of the 54 "resonating cavity surrounding the Earth", mapped as changes in the shape of the "Van Allen Belt", considered in combination with detectable changes in the "acoustics" of a resonating chamber where even minute changes in its "shape", provides a substantial basis for "changed resonation repeating events" rather than "Newtonian straight line gravitational attraction" provides a detectable condition by means of "resonation", by all forms of being on the Earth.

It should also be noted that the same scientists who contend the gravitational attraction of entities on a size scale of other planets in the Earth's solar system, is too small to be measurable on the Earth by any form of Earth entities, have no difficulty in accepting that a "gravitational entity" weighing only a few hundred pounds and from as far away as the outer planets of the Earth's solar system (rocket launched fly by space probes) can produce measurable effects in detecting devices on the Earth, if one's tunnel vision does not prevent one from endeavoring to detect "resonation phenomena" instead of Newtonian, straight line gravitational attraction phenomena.

That "the gravitational attraction of a doctor delivering a baby is far greater and thus will have much more effect, if any, on a baby as it is born, than gravitational entities such as other planets in the Earth's solar system, or the resonating cavity shape of the Milky Way galaxy, and thus efforts to observe and measure such gravitational effects are in the same category of absurd or scientifically untestable and thus unprovable beliefs as religious dogmatism", ---

--- either represents an attempt by such scientists to engage in a gross deception or outright lying to gullible and scientifically unsophisticated listeners, or amazing incompetence by such scientists by acting as if they are unaware in the latter 20th century that radio and TV resonation has been discovered, so that something having a gravity effect of only a few hundred pounds, from millions of miles out in space can also produce an effect measurable on the Earth if scientists are looking for "resonation phenomena" instead of "gravity attraction" phenomena.

Thus the suggestion emerges that the "basic operating system of the universe" consists of the properties, rules, and relationships of repeating events. From this the suggestion emerges from observing repeating events phenomena such as a "visible light spectrum" or all of "the electromagnetic spectrum" as well as the inverse square law of magnetic or gravitational attraction, that the overall seemingly universal characteristic or property of repeating events in any form, is that the repetitions are arranged in difference arrangements from larger to smaller.

Thus this discussion states as its starting position that --



After such a beginning or a priori position is taken from what is observable now as a starting point for examining and possibly understanding better how nature functions, (better than what seems to be accomplished with a Newtonian, anything proceeding in a straight line until it smashes into something by the principles of purposeless statistical probability viewpoint),

the differences observable throughout the universe (as in, what is the difference between an individual atom and the whole universe, or what is the difference between one form of life and another, including what is the difference in personality, intelligence, and individuality between one human being and another, or what is the difference between an individual human being and "God", or what is the difference between "success and failure" in anything from the creative and destructing actions observable in nature, to the events in the life of an individual human being),

--- we can use as a viewpoint and methodology in approaching and endeavoring to understand any kind of a condition in the universe (and thus to any kind of events taking place in human actions and ideas), that what we are observing are various implementations of the basic operating system of the universe which is repeating events difference arranging from larger to smaller.

At the time this is being written it can be anticipated that substantial objections may be raised to considering that whatever kind of "repeating of an event" (or resonation) that can be observed as either a portion of or the essence of what one is observing in any kind of noticeable condition, (including the whole area of human thinking, psychology, motivations, spirituality, personality, and "mind" and "soul" in both a biological and religious context), ---

is the whole context and frame of reference in which to accomplish analysis and understanding.

It may be objected by some or many that there is much more to human intelligence, "free will", and "purpose of being" or "seeming purpose in any individual action" -- than what can be observed and learned by observation and test of "resonation" (repeating events) as an extension of what is known about the broadcasting and receiving of radio and television frequency waves, or radio and television engineering knowledge applied to repeating events at any frequency.

That such a range and scope of "resonation" (repeating events phenomena including human intelligence) is something that can be observed is taking place all under the single concept, process, and "rules of a basic operating system of the universe" may seem like far too much to suggest or speculate about at this time as a human being.

But that is what is being suggested here. It is suggested that understanding all that is, is no more complicated or inscrutable in basic essence than observing and realizing that everything happening everywhere is, "or is supposed to be" repeating events difference arranging from larger to smaller. Anything encountered anywhere is simply a variation on ways to accomplish such a basic process.

The preceding can be called a basic theory of the nature of being, or a cosmology, or an approach that, although it may by many current opinions and dogmas have many questionable and not satisfactorily resolved or explained loose ends (such as who has a "right" to destroy whom), nevertheless in practical applications and tests does appear to present a number of interesting ways to approach and perhaps solve a number of current seemingly unsolved and unsolvable problems particularly on the level of human life on the Earth.

The balance may eventually tip toward serious test and acceptance of such a basis for explaining everything and solving problems, as younger people increasingly replace elders who die and find more previously unsolved problems solved as they distance themselves through time from beliefs, theories, and dogmas of who or what must first be destroyed to solve a problem (or how to get conditions that are not equal to appear to be equal, or which idea best explains how everything in the universe revolves around the Earth).

Let us see how far we can go with such an idea.

As with virtually all "theories of everything" or "cosmologies", determining the validity of a theory or cosmology is often said to lie not so much in seeming to resolve or explain already known conditions in a better way, a more comprehensive way, or more elegant way, but rather in what it manages to predict. The essence of a repeating event is "predictability" compared to unpredictable purposeless statistical probability).

Thus let us now explore what is "predicted" that can perhaps be born out with testing in real world conditions with the theory or suggestion that: "the basic operating system of the universe is repeating events difference arranging from larger to smaller", or more briefly "Difference Arranging Theory, or a slightly longer title "A General Theory Of Difference Arranging".


The following is a list of predictions. Some are simply different explanations of already observed or "believed in" conditions and thus the "prediction" is simply predicting a better explanation than current explanations. Others are descriptions of new relationships and test procedures in which a previously not accomplished result is "predicted" if a relationship or procedure is arranged in the way "Difference Arranging Theory" suggests, (predictions 7-18 below).

1. Who or what is God, that is to say "the mystery of God ended" (as "predicted" in some ways of religious believing.

2. What is the purpose of being.

3. Mathematically calculable morality, that is to say calculating what is "right" and "wrong" mathematically, instead of by subjective viewpoint, and then using the Newtonian "laws of motion" test of such a subjective determination, which is a stronger force overpowering a weaker force, with the outcome, that is to say what is "right" determined by what is a force large enough to overpower, enslave, or destroy a weaker force by either bullets or ballots (the basis of virtually all current political and religious ways of determining and testing "right and wrong"). Prediction: something better for morality than force overpowering force.

4. What is "gravity" (implied or intuitively sensed future accomplishment, not yet implemented).

The moral imperative from the preceding "mathematical morality" is that other current human problems of "failures", "destruction", and "failing to accomplish the purpose of being" on an Earth human level should be addressed first using Difference Arranging Theory, before knowledge is accessed of what would apparently be a force of "destruction", "force overpowering force", or "purposeless statistical probability" devoid of subjective (by pre-Difference Arranging Theory ideas) sentimentalities such as "but is it moral?".

Without first developing and understanding "mathematical calculable morality", discovering what is gravity will virtually inevitably join atomic bombs, poison gas, germ warfare and other human devised ways to use "destruction" as the "final solution" to a problem if other less final solutions fail, -- or in different words, if you can overpower or destroy some other person or group because they are "smaller" or "weaker than you" -- should you?, etc.

It is predicted and suggested that what may be a capability of destruction substantially larger than either present human atomic bombs, or political and military alliances capable of destroying the rest of human life on the Earth and perhaps also much of the non human life either with atomic warfare or pre-atomic bomb methods of employing force overpowering force to solve problems, should be a last order of priority for difference arranging and not a first or near first order of priority to solve seemingly unsolved or unsolvable human problems.

5. A different system of mathematics in which the present widely used basic idea of determining what is "equal to" something else becomes a special case of a general mathematical system in which a mistake, failure of a calculation, or breaking of a basic rule or postulate of the general system is indicated if by some system of reasoning or calculation, a result or answer is produced of something being "equal" to something else.

This mathematical transition or shifting of a basis for thinking and calculation will be similar to the shift in mathematical reasoning that occurred a little less than 500 years before this is being written. Then it was agreed by mathematicians and physicists that

The mathematical system to replace equal sign or equalism thinking based mathematics will be based on the relationships that take place in waves on the surface of resonating spherical volumes.

Current mathematical ideas based on equalism reasoning will be used to try to understand absurdities, destruction, or "sin" that takes place or took place in the past in human affairs and reasoning that leads or led to failures and destruction, and to examine the hypothetical but highly unlikely condition of something being encountered either in real life or hypothetical reasoning that is "equal to" something else; or in other words a hypothetical mathematical research tool that is recognized as not showing how nature works and thus becomes an academic curiosity.

6. With non equation based mathematics (resonating spherical volumes difference arranging mathematics), explaining various seeming contradictions or inadequately explained conditions in quantum mechanics and plasma physics will be accomplished, and illogical or absurd seeming conditions in relativity physics will emerge with more reasonable appearing explanations, such as

"light" and "the speed of light" is as much subject to the "laws" that apply to all of the rest of being as any other condition anywhere in the universe (entropy, efficiency, there is "no free lunch", no "perpetual motion"), anything observable requires some kind of a utilization of "energy", a condition from which "light" is not exempt, and hence, the "red shift" is also explainable by "tired light" or "light slowing down" by the ideas of "no free lunch" instead of an exploding universe;

the universe was (isbeinng") created" in a considerably longer length of time than a fraction of a second in a "big bang" about 6 billion years ago, or in six 24 hour days about 6000 years ago.

The number 6 seems to be essentially correct for the stages involved, but an error appears to have happened in where to place a decimal point after the 6).


The following are predictions of human area problems where solutions seem to be shown using Difference Arranging Theory that should be tested to see if what is predicted is verified by real world test (arranged in a difference arrangement) before accessing what is gravity, (and before more current theories of problem solving are applied of who can destroy whom to solve a problem).

7. Debt ended on both a personal level and "debt of a nation" or "national debt" scale.

8. Taxation ended; ("mother Babylon the whore who corrupted the earth fallen", the system ended in one day wherein no person might buy or sell lest they have the Mark Of The Beast (taxation records access number) in their hand or in their forehead, a prediction found in some ways of religious believing.

9. Women admitted to full membership in human civilization, that is to say any kind of work done by a woman in life (including motherhood, child rearing, and homemaking), earning an individual of any sex doing such work buying ability directly because of such work like any other kind of work (helping others) a person does in life, ---

instead of the work in life of homemaker and mother accomplished by indenturing a person doing such work either to another human being such as the father of one's children, or to a taxation supported government welfare agency.

Women admitted to full membership in human civilization is referred to in some ways of religious believing as "the marriage of the Lamb" (Rev. 19:7), that is to say women "married" to God or how nature works" like any other kind of understanding how nature functions in work humans do to accomplish "the purpose of being", --- instead of women being "married" to an individual man or instrumentality of human government in order to receive out of life because of what a woman understands and puts into life.

10. Universal medical care for all members of a human group determined by the availability of medical problems solved and personal and resources that have become accomplished fact, rather than determined by the ability of a taxation or health insurance plan to collect enough money to pay for health care resources that are accomplished fact.

11. Welfare ended.

12. Loss of buying ability due to unemployment ended.

13. Ability always to employ all who want to work (increase their difference arranging position in human economic distribution procedures), no longer constrained by "where do you get the money to pay for solving unemployment problems"?

14. Retirement at 4 no decrease in the buying ability one has worked up to by the time of retirement without "pension plans", or "savings plans" that by pre Difference Arranging Theory ideas repeatedly confront the problem "where do you get the money to pay for retirement for anyone at no decrease in the buying ability one has worked up to by the time of retirement"?

15. How to slow down a business system without causing an economic disaster through unemployment or decreased business activity when previously unsolved problems are solved, or a previously available natural resource becomes decreasingly available or exhausted.

16. "Democracy" coming to mean "including everyone" instead of simply a more gentlemanly way to solve human problems by force overpowering force, (overpower with ballots instead of bullets). A change from a stronger force overpowering, destroying, conquering, stealing from or enslaving a weaker force, or determining right and wrong by might is right, or applying the idea to human politics and problem solving upon which scientific thinking and scientific research is based as these words are being written, namely "a stronger force overpowers a weaker force directly proportional to its mass and velocity, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between entities being drawn together into a purposeless statistical probability smash up or capture in a gravitational orbit".

Prediction: force overpowering force that is called "democracy" if ballots instead of bullets are used to overpower or destroy those who are weaker (cast fewer ballots), will be replaced by a procedure more closely resembling how nature functions in which all both large and small, powerful or weak, important or unimportant are included in how human government functions, like all of the large to small, powerful to weak, huge to small niches that are included in the functioning of a rain forest.

The "purpose" of human government will become as obvious as the purpose of being (creation, end or avert destruction), instead of human governments constituted to determine who to destroy, or functioning in a manner of purposeless statistical probability depending on who or which group at any particular time has accumulated a greater ability to accomplish destruction. It will probably be called the long idealized title for such a way of conducting human affairs "The Brotherhood OF Mankind".See 15 Letter to the Nobel Peace Prize Committee

17. As a consequence of women (finally) being admitted to full membership in human civilization, the problems caused by humans overpopulating the availability of Earth natural resources to maintain the level of living or lifestyle desired by a human group SOLVED on one hand, and on the other hand the problems of "crime" solved or how to have better human beings that do not become criminals as children or adults, -- dealt with on a conception, pregnancy and birth level, instead of a severity of punishment by jailing or execution for engaging in crime level.

18. How talking with 29 God works, 30 Conquering death, that is to say solving the problem of (the destruction that is) dying, or how to stop dying, or what to do if a person is killed in an accident or has one's body wear out or malfunction due to disease, mistakes in construction (birth defects), or old age, also referred to in some ways of religious believing as "resurrection of the dead", "a Judgment Day", and/or 30 "human understood reincarnation",

One might imagine that an interesting test of whether something really is a valid statement of the basic operating system of the universe (if it includes showing what is God), is to see if it also shows how to accomplish the continually associated with God believing idea of "life after death" or "conquering death".

Skip over warm up exercises such as Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, and give it a real test by seeing if can show how to solve the really big question: conquering death.

If a scientist dies in the middle of an important scientific discovery project, the project's problem (and human civilization's problem) then becomes how to put the deceased person back in a living body again so that the project can be continued. Prediction: "The Operating System Of The Universe" also shows how to solve that problem. (also see 76 "Another approach to "conquering death").

This is the 20 page 1st chapter of the 374 page, 18 Chapter book "The Operating System Of The Universe. The discussion in the rest of the book describes the operating or concept details of each of the predictions in this introductory chapter.

The 374 page book is available for $7.00 from
Rainbow Press
Box 11131
Portland OR 97211

Copyright 1995. Reply to aab@teleport.com, or A. Brown, Box 11131, Portland OR 97211. Book "Speaking With Clouds" $10 - Printing of Internet postings plus more details than the sparse language of WWW or Newsgroups. More details at http://www.teleport.com/~aab

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Last update March 10, 1998