Unforunately Addison Brown passed away Januray 2000. Please address all inquiries to akwu@canuck.com or miracle@iname.com


Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 12:50:16 -0800
From: heys@daka.com
To: "A.B."
Subject: Re: Submit your miraculous experience

From: aab@teleport.com Mira331.96
To: heys@daka.com

Ref: email to aab@teleport.com, Sun, 31 Mar 1996, "no miraculous experiences attached, clue me in, Trevor Mountaine".

Something must have malfunctioned in the description box and what it said did not get through.

Repeating what was in the description box in a few more words, the whole Internet home page at
is a description of the details of and follow on details and practical applications of a "miraculous experience".

The description box referred to the "Contents" item on the home page titled "A Flight Of Fancy", for specific details of what fits the "miraculous experience" characteristics of other descriptions on your home page.

Briefly summarizing what the "A Flight Of Fancy?" Contents item describes:

From around age 2 apparently due to malnutrition, similar to what adults sometimes do purposely to accomplish the same condition (starvation to near death), seeming to experience "out of body experiences", but thinking they are the normal condition any human experiences while maturing from a child to an adult.

At age 17 seeming to be killed in a race track smash up at the Riverside, California fair grounds race track. Then experiencing the phenomena described by many others in "return from death experiences"; down tunnel, white light, seeming to associate with dead family members, etc.

The experience or phenomena seeming to be a repeat of annoyances experienced since age 2 (interrupting something while "living" just when things were getting interesting).

Seeming to say to "whoever is in charge over there", cut out this amusement park standing around doing nothing just feeling good condition over here with me, and show me how all of this works, (whatever this place is, the universe, or whatever you call this).

Seeming to be shown by whoever or whatever is "in charge" over there, the basic principle on which the universe is constructed, and how it is used to accomplish the processes of creation that can be observed as artifacts throughout the universe, such as a planet such as earth with its multitude of life forms, and the actions and experiences of its top of the creation chain life form human life, and in particular how "inventors" among humans, and "founders of religions", see "visions of the future" which lead when brought into physical being to the scientific discoveries and idealistic systems that humans find as integral parts of their kind of life form.

The central essence of the "basic principle on which the universe is founded" (a "flight of fancy?" from a return from death experience similar to what many others have described, but instead of standing around like a group of drug users "feeling good" but accomplishing nothing, perhaps an impertinent question to "whoever or whatever is in charge" over there), that replied: ---

how nature solves problems.

"How nature solves problems" stated in more specific terms is "how nature ends or averts destruction", or what nature does about a "decreasing level of effectability"; something able to effect and be effected by a smaller number of differences over a period of time.

The essence conclusion drawn from "how nature ends or everts destruction (graduated magnitudes difference arranging, also referred to vaguely as "resonation" in current radio and TV engineering), is that the purpose of whatever this thing is (the universe), is creation. The "universe" is a creation device.

A human experiences the emotional condition that "there is God" or "an intelligence behind" the "creation" one experiences, when a human sensory system detects a condition of "repeating events", (see Contents item "The mystery of God ended").

Somewhere at about this point in "being shown how this artifact (the universe and whatever is "over there after death") works, whatever was doing the showing seemed to say, "you can't stay here (dead). You must go back and write books about this".

So I seemed to "go back" (just a flight of fancy?, or "miraculous experience"), and "wrote books" about what seemed to be shown. http://www.teleport.com/~aab is one of the "books". See Contents item "Books from Rainbow Press" for several other self printed books, earlier by personally operated offset press, later by computer "desktop publishing".

Instead of standing around "feeling good" like a bunch of people at a pot party, or a cocain sniffing party but accomplishing nothing, on the life side of life-death-life-death etc. etc. etc. a "normal" (product of the processes of creation in the universe) person NOTICES PROBLEMS, and if not side tracked into something such as spiritual or chemical drug tripping (or committing suicide) to avoid noticing that problems exist or escape solving them, instead endeavors to "do something about and perhaps even solve the problems", (thereby carrying out the purpose of the device or artifact that is the universe "created by God" and the "purpose of one's own being as a part of the whole system, etc.) --- one can notice conditions of going from a larger to smaller level of effectability, that is to say "problems", that is to say "destruction".

On "the other side" like being on drugs in a filthy crime ridden human slum where stealing, rape, murder, survival of whoever can overpower or destroy someone else and steal what they gathered together as creation, --- one is oblivious to such conditions that exist in life, -- and there is the "siren call" of "come over here where there are no problems, for ever and ever and ever --- ... !!!.

Problem: "over there": if you left "problems unsolved" when you were alive and had an instrumentality to "carry on the process of creation", i.e. a human body, --- time after time you find yourself "back in a body again" confronted with problems again, --- after it turns out, your "bliss" or "pot party" over there had seemed to slip away like a TV or radio broadcast signal becoming weaker and weaker, (or "light from a distant star"), so that one felt "over there" after a while as if one has "slipped into outer darkness".

The first sensations after the start of the chemical or spiritual drugs party wear off, is that one then feels like one is floating in blackness or "outer space" not able to see or hear any of the other people at the party any more. Controlling the option of committing suicide (going through the start of the death experience again), or injesting more drugs to regain the feeling of euphoria or escape from instead of solving problems is gone because one no longer has a body to accomplish such a choice.

Such a transition and "returns" are described at great length in religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism (more flight of fancy? described by individuals who had experiences similar to what I experienced, and "returned and wrote books about it?).

Buddhism: How to escape the wheel of pain, sorrow, and death". What happens at the level "Bodashatva?" The process of "reincarnation". Where is "Hell or Heaven? etc. Answer in those other books apparently written by individuals who "returned", here on this earth. This earth is the location of the "Heaven or Hell", "Nirvana or endless pain, sorrow and death", that the idealistic system in the place where you lived when you were alive talks about and threatens or promises. If you are "returned to Hell for more punishment" it is because you failed to correct the "tortures or punishments" (problems) that you found in "Hell" the last time you had a body that could do something about correcting the problems.

It seems in some places in "Hell or Heaven" one can now remove the condition of "stinking" from the list of tortures due to the invention of and wide use of sanitary plumbing, instead of dumping human excriment into a ditch running down the middle of a street where one is living in a body. Apparently the "hell fire and brimstone" still persists in places such as the former Yogoslovia (Bosnia), and many other places on the earth.

What about "going on to Nirvana" and escaping "pain, sorrow, and death" forever as one's "reward", etc. etc. That is the wrong choice to make when "two hands are held out to you, which do you choose?" when one reaches a Bodashotva level. The right choice (indicating as a test of what one has learned in reaching such a level), is to "choose to go back" to being in a body again and show how to solve problems that have not yet been solved in the area of the living (instead of trying to exist forever in the pot party in the sky that is death).

Buddha in making such a selection of the two hands held out to him, proposed "the noble eight fold path".

The founder of Christianity chose removing the Karma module from human data processing systems for a temporary period to get a group of ingenious inventors back on the job instead of sitting around feeling sorry for themselves for "all the destruction they were responsible for". "The return" that seems to be endlessly repeated by "Christians" apparently happened about the year 1900, with seemingly all "Christians" totally overlooking that virtually everything about "Christianity" (Karma module removed from a human data processor), is about things "invisible", an invisible "God", invisible "spiritual", invisible influences in one's life, invisible guidance or divine guidance, invisible mysterious life after death. Why with such hundreds of years of conditioning about invisibility expect to see "Christ returned" as someone you can walk up to and shake his hand and say, glad to see you back. Can we get on with it now, all those good things that are supposed to happen "when you return"?

Hardly bothering to change the sound of the name from Hunduism to Christianity, "two hands held out, which do you choose" in the issue of Krishna or Christ "returning to solve human problems", the two choices are: (1) someone who comes back and solves one's problems by brutally slaughtering "your enemies" or "those people who are causing your problems, or (2) returning like "a thief in the night", nobody recognizes Khrishna or Christ when he "returns to solve problems", he leaves the solution out in plain sight where it can be noticed, leaves again, and all that is left is "the problem solution". Ding dang it, he did it again and we didn't notice what was being done until after he left "like a thief in the night".

In the current instance as discussed on the /~aab home page, it turns out to be "the book of life" in which "each person's works are written", and each person receives according to their works written therein, currently called in a place such as the United States, the major stronghold of "Christianity" at this time, what is written as the total in one's "Social Security Account".

A minor sub test at this time is also pointed out in /~aab of how to go about causing "the seas to give up their dead, and the those who are buried, etc. etc, by picking up the data in current Social Security records to use the United States name of "the book of life", of the exact "turn on for the first time" for each individual (exact time of birth, starting time of their entries in the book), and the cycle or repeating events pattern shown in the dates when various specific "value put into life" amounts are witten after one's name in "the book of life", as a "resonation physics, spherical coordinates, non equation based mathematics" shape to search for by current massive "homo net" data base search procedures in "previous records of the repeating events patterns or shapes of individuals who have lived in the past", in order to do on purpose what happens now and then by statistiacal accident, namely give birth to a body purposely conceived in such a way as to remember the life of a specific person selected from the past, that is to say as a portion of the heading of the opening screen of /~aab "sex in the 20th century conquering death".

Founders of other religions described their viewpoints of interpretations of "how to end or avert destruction" (accomplish the purpose of being), in the artifact called the universe. The portion of the 7 parts of "world peace", or "the brotherhood of mankind", or Heaven", or whatever you want to call it given to the Jews is especially interesting, (the laws, or noticing, discovering, writing the laws, see "The Quest For Paradise" in the "Books From Rainbow Press" item on the Contents page").

As a continuing "flight of fancy" or "miraculous experience", what I decided to do was apply the central principle "graduated magnitudes difference arranging" (a process pointed out in other selections on the "Contents" page of my Internet home page as a procedure simple enough for a one cell amoeba to understand and use or apply, so since a one cell form of life can understand it and use it, a form of life or creation such as a human also ought to be able to understand it),

--- apply the principle to "problems of destruction" encountered in human business procedure, and also to the seeming problem of "destruction" of "dying", or "the last enemy conquered will be death", or doing something about the problem of annoying interruptions or discontinuity in what one is doing "just when things seem to be getting interesting".

On a percentage of words used and "Contents" entries basis, most of the Internet home page http://www.teleport.com/~aab is devoted to showing practical applications of "graduated magnitudes difference arranging" to problems encountered in human business systems.

A portion of the suggestion that what is shown possesses some validity, or at least is sufficiently interesting to test or inquire about further, (no inquiries in over 18 months posted as a home page on the Internet), is that the procedure shown by an "inventor" simply carrying on with the same kind of ideas explored recently by Nicholas Tesla, (experimenting with many ways to produce and study the phenomena of repeating events, cycles, turning an electrical potential difference device on and off at various lengths of time between the repeating event, the most widely used application of this invention so far being "Alternating current electricity" and how that is now applied to radio and TV broadcasting and receiving, (or "Speaking With Clouds" as it was called about 1900 years ago), and in the "Megahertz" rating of "computers" (devices to engage in graduated magnitudes difference arranging, accomplished at the "megahertz" speed rating of a computer, etc.) ---

--- a suggestion of validity of what is suggested, is that the procedures to deal with "destruction" encountered in current human business procedures appear to have the characteristics of what is described, promised, or threatened by the various idealistic systems in which humans claim they believe as how "human problems will eventually be solved".

A more valid test for validity of "resonation physics" to replace "force overpowering force" physics than similarities to what idealistic systems promise or threaten, (by others perhaps told "you must go back and write books about this"), is actually doing what is described to see if it works and solves the problems to which the tests are applied in current human business systems.

Summarized as a 12 word "sound bite" (to fit the writing style now emerging in television and radio news broadcasts, and interview programs, and how to deal with the information overload on the www Internet, far exceeding the capabilities of a life form currently named homo sapiens sapiens, that may be undergoing an evolution or transition to a life form that might be called homo net (its senses and data processing system "networked" electronically to all other members of its life form), --

--- the 12 word sound bite is:


Those 12 words all by themselves do not seem to qualify as a "miraculous experience", but if someone can find the time and interest to sample "sound bite style" the many selections on the "Contents" page of http://www.teleport.com/~aab, one can stumble across information such as this email message describes, which might then qualify the 12 word sound bite as a "miraculous experience".

So far (in over 50 years) it appears virtually no one is interested in such a sampling, (7 replies in over 18 months on Internet as a home page, none indicating having read much if anything on the home page, no inquiries for further information, no indication of asking anyone else what they think of what is described at http://www.teleport.com/~aab, no regular publisher in over 50 years interested in allowing any of what /~aab home page describes to be printed or allow anyone else to mention in their books that are allowed to be printed anything that the /~aab home page describes, (anecdotal descriptions of "return from death experiences"), maybe 7 or 8 self printed books sold in over 50 years.

I wonder if what /~aab home page describes will manage to be stored in some electronic archive somewhat like an electronic data base Alexandria Library, and possibly some day be stumbled across by individuals in the future who might ask, "why was there no interest in this by any noticeable number of people back in the 20th century? They could have saved themselves from so much of the "pain, sorrow, and death" they were experiencing if they had been honest enough to live by their professed beliefs, and do then what this described".

I will be surprised if you eventually allow a brief summary of any of this to be an entry on your "Miraculous Experiences" home page. Let me know what your reason is for feeling why that what the /~aab home page describes does not qualify to be listed in your "electronic data base".

This is such a long email reply because I imagine from past experience that it will not be read and will be of interest to no one, so it is simply added as an appendix item to a book no one thinks is interesting enough or important enough to read, and which no regular publisher will allow to be published or mentioned in writings by other individuals whose books are allowed to be published. It will be added to the "Answers to questions" listing in the Contents page of http://www.teleport.com/~aab.

END aab@teleport.com - http://www.teleport.com/~aab MIRA331.96

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