Note : Unfortunately Addison Passed away January 2000. Please send all coorespondence to akwu@canuck.com or miracle@iname.com

The following is a quote from the Calgary Herald July 18 1996.

"Soul-catcher" computer chip implanted behind the eye

Scientists offer
"the end of death"

The Daily Telegraph

A computer chip implanted behind the eye that could record a person's every lifetime thought and sensation is to be developed by British scientists.

"This is the end of death,"Dr. Chris Winter, of British Telecom's artificial life team, said Wednesday.

He predicted that within three decades it would be possible to relive other people's lives by playing back their experience on a computer.

"By combining this information with a record of the person's genes, we could recreate a person physically, emotionally and spiritually."

Winter's team of eight scientists at BT's Martleshame Heath laboratories- near Ipswich calls the chip "the Soul Catcher."

It would be possible to imbue a newborn baby with a lifetime's experiences by giving him or her the Soul Catcher chip of a dead person, Winter said.

The proposal to digitize existence is based on a sound calculation of how much data the brain copes with over a lifetime..

Ian Pearson, BT's officail futurologist,has measured the flow of impulses from the optical nerve and nerves in the skin,tongue,ear and nose.

Over an 80-year life we process 10 terrabytes of data, equivalent to the storage capacity of 7,142,857,142,860 000 floppy disks.

Pearson said:"If current trends in the miniaturization of computer memory ocontinues at the rate of the past 20 year--a factor of 100 every decade -- today's eight megabyte memory chips norm will be able to store 10 terrabytes in 30 years." British Telecom would not divulge how much money it is investing in the project, but Winter said it was Soul Catcher 2025 very seriously.

He admitted there were profound ethical con siderations, but emphasized that BT was embark- ing on this line of research to enable it to re- main at the fore- front of communi cations technology "An implanted chip would be like an aircraft's black box and would enhance communications beyond current concepts." he said.

"For example, police would be able to use it to relive an attack, rape or murder from the victim's viewpoint to help catch the criminal."

Other applications would be less useful but more frightening.

"I could even play back the smells, sounds and sights of my holiday to friends,"Winter said.

Addison Brown's (pioneer of End Death Research Project) reply to my question regarding this article.

From: Addison Brown
Subject: "end of death" news article

The news article says "within 30 years" it may be able to accomplish what it describes. Thus the newspaper article is hardly about something which is currently an accomplished fact.

What is described is only a theoretical projection based on a theory that a human brain processes 7,142,857,142,860,000 bits of data in a 90 year life span, and, that current miniaturization of computer memory (increase in capacity per unit of size by an increase factor of 100 per year) will continue for the next 20 years.

Such an increase seems unlikely because size of memory chip components are currently pushing sizes the width of one electron. How a capacity increase by a factor of "100 per year for 20 years" can be accomplished appears to violate current laws of physics and what appears to be the basic state of matter.

Thus the theoretical projection in the newspaper article seems to be both rather unlikely, and is apparently written by someone who is not knowledgeable about either current work in computer memory development or about physics and the nature of matter (the materials that would be used in making such a chip implant 30 years from now).


As for the basic idea itself, it is no different in purpose and projected result than the biological process (instead of computer memory chip process) described in the "Conquering Death Research Project" on your www home page and in my writing for the last 50 years.

The project whether by understanding and being able to select consciously the biological combinations that result in the sensation of seeming to remember being someone who lived in the past, or being able to access a computer memory data base of "10 tetrabytes of data" is to accomplish a conscious connection between a selected memory of experiences in the past, and the memory of someone currently inhabiting a body.

My opinion is, that since the biological process is already an observable and testable accomplished fact, (through the huge amount of data and observation over several thousand years under the general heading of "reincarnation" and "Eastern" science, physics, and cultural conditions, instead of "Western" science, physics and cultural conditions, which still tends to think of and treat "reincarnation" as an "enemy religious belief to be destroyed to make the world safe and ideal for dogmatic Christianity believers), ----

---- that the biological approach is closer to accomplishable reality than a theoretical projection in 30 years of a 10 tetrabyte implantable computer chip.

Such an approach does not, however, rule out an implantable sensor similar to a wireless infrared keyboard or computer printer connection that can access data stored remotely in a 10 tetrabyte memory that is either an extension or development in the future of current "Internet accessing", or perhaps a back pack, belt or other item of clothing that an individual can wear that accomplishes a more realistic storage capacity of 10 tetrabytes of data than projecting an implantable computer chip with such a capacity in 30 years.

As for the "morality" of such a possibility. There is virtually nothing past or future discovered or used by humans that some people have devised "immoral" ways to use. A great danger in the discovery of "radio" for example, is that "criminals" might be able to outwit police by "communicating" where police are located who are trying apprehend criminals. Currently, on Internet there is the "danger" to which a great deal of newspaper and magazine coverage has been given, that "children" might use an internet computer connection to see pictures of nude humans, and even not animals but humans engaging in sex. It will of course, obviously, be the end of human civilization if "children" discover how humans engage in sex.

This brings us to the portion of my writings dealing with "women are the last hope for world peace", "the return to grace", and who will do the actual selecting of "memory of experiences" connections (whether by the biological processes of sex, or computer data base accessing).

That in turn introduces the biological cycle of about 2000 to 2200 years of going from a male to female oriented social, political, and legal structure for human society, referred to currently in archaic symbolic terms as "leaving the age of Pisces and entering the age of Aquarius". Such terminology and ideas is of course by "Western" science and physics ideas a portion of what must be destroyed along with "reincarnation" (might as well throw in pictures of nude humans having sex on the www Internet also), to make the world safe and ideal for "Christianity".

Incidentally, a characteristic of "the end of the world cycle of about 2000 years" is the predominant religion at each occurrence also suddenly ending and being replaced by a new "religion" or "new morality", "who or what is God", "purpose of being", etc. Addressing such issues is also an important part of my writings in addition to the "minor test of the validity of resonation physics that deals with consciously establishing a connection between memories of experiences". If the suggestions of resonation physics are valid, then it should be possible to understand and choose which biological events to combine to experience the sensation of seeming to remember being someone else who lived in the past.

Regardless of how the connecting to a previous memory of experiences eventually happens, it is the females of human civilization that will find they have the task of making the actual decisions of the specific steps to choose to accomplish such a result.

Thus "morality" has more to do with projections and the realities of female psychology, than with male philosophical speculation (such as males passing laws about what constitutes "criminal" information transmitted by Internet). Little boys and little girls were pulling down their pants and looking at each other long before the advent of current radio, TV, and Internet.

Current ideas and court cases dealing with "sexual harassment", "female rights", "female equality", and "the abortion issues" are part of the evidence of evolution into "Aquarian Age" oriented human affairs and out of "Piscean Age" oriented human social organization.

We will see what kind of "morality" human females come up with as the Aquarian Age develops.

END aab@teleport.com send84.96

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