The Quest
Stanzas 300 to 399


Now you know that peace is aspiring only to that which is possible,
Herein you have perceived the absoluteness at last of total peace.
And when your consciousness as the fulcrum of the universe,
BALANCES the two parts in wholeness which are past and future,
Then shall there be naught which is impossible for you.


In knowing this in your mind,
In total union in creation with your body,
You have now become in both your mind and your body like God,
You have now experienced the marriage of the material and the spiritual,
And now I can tell you the greatest secret of all learning,
Without having it destroy you, - it is:


He is the greatest among you who is controlled by the most,
But he is the least among you who controls more than any other.

(end of the Initiation)






By good and evil.
By the knowing of honesty and dishonesty.
By learning of righteousness and unrighteousness.


hat destruction is the essence of evilness, That creation is the essence of good.
That the person who speaks honestly while thinking of all the universe which

surrounds him.
Shall know immediately whether he has achieved goodness or evil.

(This portion of this writing explains in more detail and in the context of this writing the group of instructions often called "The Ten Commandments"; Exodus 20:3-17. The numbers in brackets [ ] denote the order of arrangement in which these ten statements are usually made.)


306 [8]

The procedure of destruction is stealing,
The act of taking without replacing,
Of taking that to which one has not become entitled,
Of not raising from a lower to a higher level.


He steals who takes another's life from him,
It is stealing only a little less but still the same evil,
If only a part of a person's life is taken,
Which may be some part of their possessions or spirit.


You can know that the destruction that is stealing has taken place,
If a person or situation can effect and be effected by a smaller number of

It is stealing to lower a level of effectability,
It is creation when a level of effectability is raised.


To take the life of a plant or animal for the sake of killing alone,
And then leave it lie wasting after such killing,
Is committing the destruction that is stealing,
And shows one has not yet come to understand or respect God.


But by eating there is raising from a lower to a higher level,
Ye do not take from but rather add to by the act of eating.
Herein can you at last perceive the difference between creation and

destruction in eating,
So that destroyers in hypocrisy and false witness against you, (saying you
destroy in order to eat)
Are not able to associate you with their actions through devious use of words,
(say you thus believe in destruction),
As they say you in eating thus are part of the actions in which they
participate and believe.

311 [9]

It is false witness against your neighbor,Kc To say or imply in words or actions,
That you think in one way while you believe in another.
Honesty is thoughts matching actions, and actions matching thoughts.
False witness is saying one thing while thinking another.


Rather than bear false witness about your thoughts,
It is better to admit you are without knowledge and learn,
Than to inflate your own position with lies,
And thus lead your fellow human beings astray.


It is goodness to be willing to take full responsibility in action,
For every action you commit or word you say.
It is evilness to speak of doing great acts only to gain the ear of others,
And bear false witness by not having done the acts and not intending to do



It is better to promise three parts and give full measure,
Than to promise ten parts and give only four,
One more is given than in giving three,
But a lie has been told wherein six were not given,
And in these six lie undone through false witness,
That which is needed to achieve the intended creation.

315 [10]

False witnessing often arises through coveting,
Which is desiring to possess without performing the creation which leads to

uniting in righteousness.
In goodness one receives through honest creation.
In evilness one smoulders with covetous thoughts,
And seeks to hide one's evil with false witnessing.

316 [2]

Another part of evil similar to coveting the wife, husband, employees, animals,

or property of one's neighbor,
Is to covet the power of God for one's self alone,
Or a small group that seeks to dictate to and enslave others,
Who seem not to possess such power.


This evil is done in making what is called an image (statue) of God,
And trying to use it to focus power you summon from various sources both

spiritual and material,
To bend others to your will by controlling them which is the way of evil
and enslavement,
Instead of by the way of adding together and creation which is the way of God
and freedom.


Erecting images to conjure up and summon powers,
To try to usurp the power of God to oneself and against others,
Is called by names such as the way of blackness, in the way of fallen angels,
or the way of Lucifer.


Thus it is an admonition to those who bear the false witness,
Of claiming they seek to achieve betterment,
But seek to achieve betterment by focusing power of statues, symbols, or

devices they worship as God,
To usurp, deceive, control by dictating, or by exhorting to engage in
To whom the direction is given:

320 [1]



By putting another God before God by rejecting part of what He is through

erecting another image,
Therein do ye cut yourself off from part of that which is all being and thus
part of that which is your life,
And not until this evil is healed through righteous actions through three
Shall they who have engaged in such actions and their children,
Return to the path of righteousness.

322 [3]

He who lieth in any way as I have revealed to you here,
Taketh the name of God in vain.
This is said also of any of your fellow human beings whom you disrespect,
For to look upon your brother or sister as not worthy of a part of you,
Is blasphemy against that which is your right arm or your seeing.


He who calleth upon God to damm that which he has failed to accomplish in

Taketh the name of God in vain it is true,
But not nearly so much as he who has lied,
For calling upon God to damm is usually done as human frailty and LACK OF SELF
And not in knowledge conjuring a spirit for destruction,
Whereas he who lies does so after consideration,
And with full knowledge and control of the act until his inconsistency traps

324 [4]

Another part of good and evil,
Is that it is the nature of life upon this planet,
To repeat iteself in sevens.
He who does not set aside one part in every seven for contemplation,
Fails to put mortar between the bricks he lays,
And his house will crumble before him with no reason,
Ere he is questioned in the judgment of why the total of his life came to be

what it is.


Understanding of God is the seventh part which must always be kept holy,
Else the other six will lose their meaning and association.

326 [5]

The person who remembers not that the woman from whom one stemmed,
And the man which did make her give one's life,
Are the hand also which did build the foundation of one's life,
In this forgetting one destroyeth himself,
For in just a few years he likewise will be forgotten.


The Kingdom of Heaven never giveth less to any person,
Than that of which one at any time in one's life one has become worthy.

Also see stanzas 122-124
The buying and selling way of adding the total acts of the life of each person
does this,
Wherein the total of your acts is not reduced when you receive,
Is the assurance at last that any who are a father and a mother,
Will never be forgotten.

328 [6]

To take a life of another,
Is to destroy a part of God,
To destroy a part of God,
Is to destroy a part of yourself.


To destroy a part of yourself,
Is to bring pain to yourself as the punishment for unrighteousness,
If you seek the ending of pain forever,
Then do nothing that causes pain and destruction.

330 [7]

Thou adultereth aught to which thou lieth,
Thou adultereth anything which thou seek to destroy.
Thou adultereth anything which you lower by your association with it,
Adultery is to make anything unclean.


A man lieth to a woman if he says he has naught but her but he has another.
This is adulterating her consciousness of the faith she puts in him without

He is pure who goeth into a woman and fulfills the responsibilities of all his
act produces,
He adulterates a woman if he is married to her by law,
But loves not his offspring from her.


Adultery is not measured by God by the laws written by man,
But rather by whether all has been complete and honesty.
He who goeth into ten women and lieth not to any of the ten,
And maketh none of the ten unclean thereby does not commit adultery.
But he who goeth into but one woman,
Even though by the laws of man he is married to her,
But speaketh not his mind to her,
He has adulterated his own mind, hers, and the part of God which is their

life together.


A whore is one whose only interest in a man or a women,
Is to have naught but the intercourse of sex,
A prostitute is one given many talents,
And refuses to use a part of them to achieve creation for others,
And instead turns their use to self gratification.


By the buying and selling method of the total acts of one's life and value

trading ended,
No longer must women prostitute their bodies to gain food to eat,
Neither is it possible to gain purchasing ability by selling one's body to
Thus marriage can be based again on love,
Instead of acquiring money.


Marriage in God is becoming a part of peace for everyone,
They blaspheme against God who marry to give only themselves happiness.
Herein they become parts of God who have denounced Him for just themselves,
This is erecting another image before Him which is their own self.


For such as these it is better that they join their bodies in sex alone,
And endeavor not to sanctify the joining with the name of marriage,
For the fruits of such selfishness only,
Is the perpetuation of the selfishness into hate,
Hate is a greater crime before God than prostitution,
For a prostitute destroys not, only fails to use.


He who loves a women but is paying taxes to murder others (as in wars),
And in this says he is happy because of his love,
But is doing nothing to cease the murder of which he is a part,
Has separated himself from God and is not truly married,
He and whom he loves have becomes whores and prostitutes.


A name signed on a piece of paper,
Does not make a marriage before God,
It is only belief in God (ending destruction) and bringing peace at last to

Which is true marriage in God,
Only in this does God recognize marriage.


Belief in God is accepting all creation and everyone,
For God is the substance out of which everything is composed and the results

of such creation.
He is known most clearly to that which is a human form,
By responding to and understanding the total arrangement of cyclic repetitions.


One of the ways in which marriage can be accomplished,
Is by joining two bodies to produce a life,
Which will be taught to help continue to bring peace to others,
And the time of the marriage is 19 years.


By what has been revealed to you here,
It is now adultery to produce more than a life for a life,
Until poverty and starvation for all human life is ended,
Or if population size is decreasing destructively,
Until the total of your acts reaches the population Balance point of your

part of human civilization,
(no more than a life for a life permitted for any who rise by their acts to
that designated point).


Another way to marry is for a woman to cook the food and keep the house of a

man she loves,
And to minister to his needs which he does not have the time or skill to fulfill,
And he in turn ministering unto her needs to produce Balance,
And thus help to continue the bringing of peace.


The time of this marriage is for as long as the man and woman choose to stay

For they obtain their ability to receive in the Kingdom of Heaven,
Not by one giving the other money,
But rather by the adding up of the total of the acts of both of their lives
to help others.


A woman giveth acts of her life to produce a total,
As much as any man who works in a field or factory,
If her acts are as a homemaker and mother,
This is what a woman will be able to say of the acts of her life in the Judgment.


They who join their lives to help bring peace to others are truly married,
They who join their lives to help bring happiness only to themselvesare whores

and prostitutes,
The rewards of bringing peace are the pleasures of marriage.


In God the reward comes after the act,
In this a woman who desires love before she has helped to bring peace,
Sins by placing her person before God,
In this she becomes an adulteress.


Live if you are married in such a way,
That all who look upon you will say in theirlooking,
Their life is beautiful because they are helping to bring peace to others by

the way of creation,
And therein have they been given peace and happiness for themselves.


You are like a beast in a cave, If people look upon you and say you know each other for just yourselves alone,
For to know naught but yourselves is to be sleeping,
When the spirit sayeth it is time for the fulfillment,
Of that in which you say you have been believing.


You will not be among those,
Who hear what the spirit sayeth,
When the time of peace for everyone has arrived,
If you have come to know only yourself.


All I have said here of a man,
Is said in like manner for a woman,
Naught can lie if they live by the new law,


Which has as its greatest part,
Two children couple,
Until all poverty and starvation are ended.


Thus two new laws are added to the ten you already have to make twelve,
With this the law giving is now complete,
The two new commandants are:

352 [11]


353 [12]


You now know the complete way to the Kingdom of Heaven.

(end of Decalog)

--- PRAYER ---




By prayer.
By coming to know You through being able to believe in everyone and everything.
That prayer is coming to know all of the parts of You in one's consciousness,
So that by your power of creation,
The parts are made to become a vision of peace.


I found many who prayed to receive without giving,
They wished to receive without first having come to believe or cleanse their

lives of dishonesty.
For these I taught thusly of prayer and of knowing You,
So that they could know why when their prayers were not answered.


I taught:
God is the relationship of everything to everything else,
This has a direction like the turning of the needle of a compass.
Materiality is the actual things related,
Each of these has a cycle position as its place in all of existence.


God consciousness is the ability to conceive of and relate anything to anything

The greatest philosophers, prophets, and religious leaders,
Can relate a greater number of things to anything.


The less enlightened, the bigot, and the malcontent,
Can relate a smaller number of things,
The extent to which any specific person can pray successfully,
Is the extent to which one's mind can relate anything to everything.


God is not a concept of autocratic authority,
He is instead a state of complete understanding,
Praying to His power is an action for guidance,
Only if one has first come to believe in all that is.
This is different from shifting responsibility for the necessity for creative



The way things are is the authority of God,
Love is fitting together what one is becoming, thinking, and doing.
Understanding love, and the fulfillment of prayer go hand in hand,
Love is the greatest reward for praying.


The ability to understand and relate things as they are,
Is the power of God within an individual,
Understanding is a state of mind that produces the ability to relate different

things to each other,
This is different from an arbitrary or authoritative decree written on a piece
of paper.


A world ruled by God,
Is one ruled by understanding stemming from each individual's state of mind,
And the acts and divine quantities of creation which stem from such



In a society somewhat less than one ruled by God,
Certain autocratic authorities and power on pieces of paper sometimes appear

to be necessary.
God, however, rules from each individual by their praying,
And not from a capitol, or from behind the trigger of a gun,
Or the authority invested in one person to judge the wrongness of others
according to his own opinions.


Consciousness is the bit of all understanding or God,
Which is incarnated in each individual.
The soul is the whole entity from which something is detached to form a

For each individual it is like the geometrical and mathematical shape of God,
At the moment of the first act of free will in the body one has been occupying.


Stated in terms of symbols instead of mathematics,
One's soul is the whole potential and reality,
Of the morals, ethics, relating ability, and understanding,
Which governs the whole action both conscious and unconscious,
Of an individual and whole group of related individuals.


Heaven is a state of all within one's ability to be conscious and one's actions,
Related without destruction.
Hell is oppression by what you feel must be destroyed,
Lest it destroy a part of you.
It has now become the fire and brimstone that was promised,
For look to the ingredients that you now use to kill each other.


Peace is all in Balance,
Happiness is change which puts more together.
Righteousness is no more destruction.
The purpose of life is to achieve creation,
Or said in its negative way, to end or avert destruction.


There must have been a lot more of something than something else,
For there to be anything here in the first place,
The more certainly was creation, not destruction,
For the direction of being is raising from a lower to a higher level of



Since more and more conditions are continually being put together and related

to each other,
Because there are always more and more conditions to Balance and relate to
each other,
Herein is peace not eternal death,
Rather, it is eternal life in greater and greater fulfillment.


Righteousness leads to God, finding peace, and being admitted to the Kingdom

of Heaven,
Because when one has fitted together all of which one has become aware,
One has become one with the part of God that one is,
Rather than having destroyed part of what one is to try to achieve peace.


No greater achievement is possible by God or man, Than to become one with all of what he is. These are the promises I held forth to mankind, If they believed and followed these teachings.


I said any part of this would be granted through prayer,
Anyone shown the place that has been prepared for him in the kingdom of Heaven,
But constantly reminded that righteousness is acting without destruction

as well as just thinking,
And is giving as well as receiving.


Most who failed in their praying,
Did so because they could not bring their minds to include those whom they

were oppressing and killing,
In the way they received the goods and services the results of praying by
others had made available.


They sought to receive without paying the price of stopping destruction.
Their blindness, hate, and deafness caused by their actions of destruction,
Caused them not to hear what the spirit said to them as their prayers were

So they continued on destroying and being destroyed.

--- PLEASURE ---





By what I taught of pleasure,
By revealing how to make a moment the end of eternity.


That to live without desire is the Supreme Achievement.
That to have all of one's life and actions come to one,
As a result of one's love and life without destruction,
Is living as one who has become an angel in Heaven.


That only an incomplete person performs acts as a result of desire,
That a complete person receives as a result of the righteousness of one's life,
That pleasure is life's gifts received as the inevitable result of having

lived in a state of love,
That the selfish person misses pleasure,
Because he expects more than his acts can cause him to receive.


Pleasure cometh from living every moment of one's life completely,
Of never leaving a task only partly completed,
Of doing all the one undertakes,
Because only in completion can one action lead inevitably to another.


By leaving a task uncompleted or responsibility unmet.
Herein lies the basis for those who look upon nakedness as sinning,
Or thoughts or actions associated with sexual intercourse as sin.


Answering this quandary whenever it arises either to the asker or accused, Lies in whether by such thoughts and actions,
A required task by such actions has not been completed,
Or a responsibility has gone unmet.


It is a sin to deny fulfillment to others if it is without destruction.
Deny not another person pleasure lest in this destruction,
He turn against you and you thus lead him astray.
Ask yourself only, have I aught to lose,
If he comes to love a part of God different from the part I know?


Pleasure is the beauty of God enfolding honesty as a garment of shining

To the dishonest, pleasure is the way of hiding deceit and laziness.
A cloak of guilt is the reward of pleasure and an escape from responsibility
One's soul warmed beyond words and almost beyond understanding,
Is the reward for pleasure gained righteously.

--- BEAUTY ---





By beauty,
By the filling of one's soul with love as an emotion.
By learning the secret of Your bow in the sky,
By the nature of arranging when destruction has ended.


That the body of a woman and the life that surrounds it.
Is the most universal pattern of beauty from which all other beauty can be understood.

For in the understanding of all that is woman,
Shall man in his nakedness no longer be ashamed.


To know in its simplest manner the plan for peace,
Know first that which is woman,
And truly all humans and even beasts in the fields know this,
For in this shall one no longer be made naked by truth,
Neither shall the garments of one's thoughts fail to be one's clothing.


Consider the symbol of the way the fall from grace happened.
By its reversal shall the return to grace be achieved.
Man was led away from God and Heaven for a time by woman,
Because knowledge had not yet been achieved in action.


With the knowledge now known that then was only a symbol,
The women of human civilization now possess the power to return all who will

live in a manner of creation,
To the Paradise, now a fact, from which those in the beginning symbol were
cast out.
Until knowledge became materialized creation instead of only symbolic dreaming
and future prophecy.


That happiness in thinking of others,
Can be learned by looking at a woman as she holds a baby to her breast,
That love is fitting together,
Can be learned by looking at a woman as she displays to you,
That which you feel is love.


For in both her mind as well as her body,
She is, fitting together with thoughts as well as actions.
Watch what makes her eyes shine and her body to become clay in the hands of a

Therein look outward to all of your other actions,
And fit together thoughts as well as actions if you would have all come to you,
In the same manner as the cherished love of a the woman who is nearest to you.


A canvas with brush by the artist,
Is the expression of his soul's emotion,
Look to a woman as she lives the life you create for her,
And you come to know the beauty as it is known by the artist.


Perceive the sculptor as he describes a soul in marble,
It is a woman's figure which is the most oft chosen subject,
Look to this subject as seen by the eyes of the sculptor,
And God's promise is continually before you.


When a man's life is fitted together with a woman,
Nature and creation spring into life and bring forth abundance in the child

she bears,
The process is automatic, controlled by God,
Thus once again the power of God which is love,
Can be learned by watching a woman,
As you see a child coming forth from a woman's body.


Women have physical children,
Men have spiritual children,
But men carry that which is a woman's soul,
And women carry that which is a man's body.


In a man look for the spiritual child he has created.
In a woman look for her ability in creating material children,
And in this man understands the material best,
For this is what he is not and for which his body leads him constantly into

Likewise the spritual is best understood by woman,
For this is what a woman is not and for which her body leads her constantly into searching.


Do not tell a man of his own beauty,
Tell him of the beauty of his works.
Do not tell a woman of the beauty of her works,
Tell her how beautiful they have made her.


Do not look for beauty in a man,
Look for the poetry in his actions.
Do not look for perfection in the works of a woman,
Look for perfection which her works have made in her personal appearance and

her thinking.

go to Stanzas 400 to 484

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Last update June 16, 1997