

July 7, 1997: Added The Quest For Paradise and excerpts from "The Articles".

Because publishers will not allow anything on this web page to be published or mentioned in writings by others, all that might survive of this life's work might be an occasional copy of this 3-1/2" disk mailed to some locations where it might be lost in some archive or disk collection and discovered at some later time. With this July 7, 1997 revision hopefully sufficient details are given for some person or group to take up where I failed and put what this disk describes into operation either as a test of a new cosmology or solution to human problems. Getting weaker by the day from the stroke of April 1996. May not be much longer until only typing on a computer keyboard with great effort is no longer possible, and this barely funtioning human body is no longer available.

April 27, 1997: Posting on the www just is not working. In more than 2-1/2 years on the www, and despite thousands of people in the USA alone experiencing millions of dollars damage from floods and hurricanes, and news stories every day on news broadcasts about cutbacks on schools, too high college tuition, medical care, welfare, and various research projects, -- not a single reply from anyone commenting on how what this web page describes is a way to solve "HOW TO PAY FOR IT" problems.

Thus, a 3-1/2" commputer disk produced to be mailed to city halls, schools, colleges, legislatures, in flood or hurricane damage areas that contains this www home page, and that can be read either with a www browser, Microsoft Explorer suggested, or without a www browser (ignore HTML coding), and also contains "THE QUEST" and excerpts from "THE ARTICLES"

Sticker on disk:

ON THIS DISK to Box 11132, Portland OR 97211
or aab#teleport.com
this is web page www.teleport.com/~aab
HOW TO PAY FOR IT - THE QUEST (for paradise)
THE ARTICLES - MS-DOS Type run to start

January 1997: Introduction revised. Probably futile effort to provide an introduction to this suggestion for the kind of thinking, speaking, and writing of individuals who have experienced virtually since birth the language forms and tempo of situation comedies on television, interrupted by a commercial about every ten minutes.

The principal change is making paragraphs of individual sentences.

November 7, 1996. Numbers added to Contents entries for easier reference in answering questions. Repeat entries eliminated. Longer sentences and complicated ideas eliminated from Introduction (and Index) in response to email comments requested from readers. Added Quotes to contents with locations where quotes are used.

June 19, 1996. "The financial miracle that can save human civilization" replaced with " A financial miracle that can solve current problems". Saving human civilization apparently of interest to virtually no one judging from lack of response to home page.

HTML HEAD information increased in an experiment to see if home page can be found by more search programs.

March 21, 1996. Basic design of home page changed from printed book style of reading 100 to 200 pages in sequence, carefully developing the basis for ideas and drawing conclusions, with chapters as long as 10 to 20 pages, to breaking up what is described into several short stand alone statements that can be printed on one to two sheets of paper or browsed quickly on a computer screen with the PgDn PgUp keys, and thus ideas presented with no basis for the ideas unless other repetitive stand alone selections are read; an effot to contend with the condition "no time or too impatient to read several computer screens" (with the information overload encountered on the internet).

For computer screen reading, what would be paragraphs on a page printed in a conventional book with several sentences in one paragraph and thus paragraphs of several lines on a printed page, broken up for computer screen reading into a separate paragraph for each sentence, and long sentences with qualifying ideas broken up into separate paragraphs.

Experimenting with the very delicate syndrome developing from the information overload, of almost instant access by computer to virtually infinitely more information than a human data processing system is capable of handling, of having to say all of what one has to say in exactly the right way that is seen in one first glance on a computer screen (and by search programs), otherwise nothing else is examined (or found by in a search) after such an "information overload first glance".

Such a change in presentation format is an attempt to contend with the overwhelming amount of information overload confronting an individual who attempts to access anything on the www, who quickly develops a search and reading style of quickly browsing through hundreds of different home pages, news groups, chat groups, skipping completely screens of solid text in small squinty type --- glancing at only a few words on each computer screen, and if anything is read at all after a quick first glance, not having the time (or not wanting to pay the on line charges costs), to read more than just a few computer screens, and certainly not a conventional printed book length sequence of several hundred computer screens.

But breaking up into several short statements cross referenced using underlined HTML words is apparently not enough to contend with the change in mental habits and information access methods brought about by the information overload conditions imposed on a human by the www. Even more breaking up into "sound bite" size statements is apparently necessary with no connection desired between "bites".

"Total Value Put Into Life Buying, and "Pay By The Act Of Distribution" is an attempt to suggest a 12 word sound bite that might catch on and be repeated and investigated by many people.

What is the "truth" behind something not stated in acceptable attention deficit disorder (sound bite) language apparently must be omitted for acceptable writing at this time because almost no one is left who has the time, interest, or curiosity any more to want to know what is below a tip of an iceberg.

How an idea is developed ("where is it coming from") is now too boring and of interest to no one. Its description is in sentences that are too long and probably interesting only to scholars many years after a sound bite version of an idea becomes widely known, and permanently of no interest if a "sound bite" does not catch on.

Thus how this was developed, introduction, preface, and background discussions moved to back pages instead of deleted. Such information might evntually be of interest to someone. The writer of this will die shortly (now middle 70's) and probably long before any interest in anything in this home page or its printed versions (1 sheet of paper to 100 pages) will be known and tested by a noticeable number of people. If it ever is tested how it was developed might be of interest. So far, however, 50 years of effort while alive has produced interest in any of this by virtually no one, only 2 or 3 personal friends.

If what this electronic book describes is tested at some distant future date and then becomes interesting to a noticeable people, perhaps even accomplishing what it describes how to do (accomplishing a "financial miracle that can solve current problems"), then there may be interest by a few people in "where did this come from"? I wish there had been some groups, media that were interested in this while I was still alive.

Maybe what is in this electronic book will survive in some ancient electronic data base after all of the rest of 50 years of work has many years before been hauled away as rubbish after the death of its writer. Hence the including of the background and introduction selections on the Contents page (moved to back pages, end of Contents) --- in spite of suggestions by those who returned requested comments, "get rid of the long, boring sentences in which no one is interested".

What this describes is too important for everyone on the Earth to be lost because of disinterest at this time, facing up to and actually solving current human problems by a method other than who to destroy to solve problems ranging from taxing "those who are at fault out of existence" and using the constant increase in taxation to support increasing government dictatorship, to endless wars "to destroy or enslave those who are at fault" --

---what this webpage book shows how to do is too important not to be talked about, tested, its various practical applications rewritten by others in ways acceptable for attention span deficit disorder readers, simply because the originator of what this book shows how to do is mentally handicapped The "sound bite" method of acceptable speaking and writing at this time is to a person with the kind of mental handicap of the writer of this information, like taking all of the separate parts of an automobile engine, or a radio, or television set, or human civilization apart, scattering them out at random on the floor of a warehouse, then describing them in acceptable attention deficit disorder writing in such a way that no indication is given of what the separate pieces can do if they are assembled to be an automobile engine, a radio, a TV, or human civilization with its problems solved, and no hint of connecting bridges about what if anything would be accomplished if the separate parts are assembled.

Example: In 50 years of effort there has not been a single person, group, college, or university that has felt it is of any importance, significance, or an accomplishment of any kind that "TOTAL WORK IN LIFE BUYING" is an image of, that is to say simply a stating in different words applied specifically to human actions on this earth, what this electronic book suggests is the basic procedure taking place throughout the universe that governs the process of creation, and ending or averting destruction in the universe, (correcting conditions of a decreasing level of effectability), often referred to vaguely in other philosophical and religious writings as 29 "God" or "what God does" (with no inkling, hint, or discussion of HOW "God" does what He does), and thus if the concept suggested is valid (can be verified by testing), it should give an indication of how to end, reduce, or avert destruction (accomplish creation) in conditions of destruction encountered in human actions of putting into and taking out of life (human economic production and distribution).

Go to next selection 50 Hand out cards

Go to 51 Books from Rainbow Press.

Go to Contents.

Last update March 10, 1998