Someone said a few years ago - Stop the world, I want to get off.

Why? - Problems. I am tired of the problems of this world being unsolved. STOP THE WORLD, I WANT TO GET OFF

But then it happened. "Speaking with clouds" as predicted, as promised in each idealistic system in which people believe.

The problems solved, as promised, as predicted. The good things finally happening that have been predicted, promised for ages of idealistic believing. "The creative predictions and promises of my idealistic system fulfilled, by Speaking with clouds?".

"That's incredible."

"Hey, I don't want to miss out on that." Stop the world, I want to get back on

What's it like now that I'm back on this Earth? Where are the solved problems? I don't see them. The Earth looks the same way it did when it stopped and I got off.

The solved problems are all around you but are hidden from your eyes. You are seeing them but you have eyes to see but do not see, and ears to hear but you do not hear. Its as if the old Heaven and old Earth had passed away (while you were gone), and in its place is a new Heaven and a new Earth, - but your eyes and ears are still seeing and hearing the old Heaven and Earth that ended.

Let me see if I can lead you like a child through an adult initiation rite. In this initiation rite the veils fall away that are hiding the new Heaven and the new Earth from your eyes and ears.

Lets start out the way most parents do with a child or their children. They tell them in various ways, "By being born on this earth you have become a member of a group called humans, or human civilization. We have some simple rules we live by on this Earth when you are a human.

They are don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal, don't murder other humans either materially or spiritually. To receive out of life, put into life.

What you put in are ideas and relationships such as love, appreciation, spirituality, how to be creative, and, things you can touch, smell, taste, hear, see, -- things you can put on a scales and weigh such as food, shelter, hours worked, toys, clothes, cars, airplanes, electric lights, sewer connections to where you live, running water from faucets, music and pictures coming from radios and television ("Speaking With Clouds"), material things and spiritual things. That is what is put in and received out.

Schools, education show you how to put something into life as a member of Team Humans on the Earth. That is one of the most important parts of the adult initiation rites that children growing to adults are shown to learn how to be members of Team Humans on the Earth. How to put things into life that other members of Team Humans on the Earth desire to receive out of life.

As a result of almost all of the members of the team putting in, all kinds of things and relationships become available to be received out of life.

The way we receive out of life is by an idea so simple that it can be easily understood by everyone who is a member of Team Humans on the Earth, -- even if someone has never gone to school, or is a child who has not yet learned how to read, write, and put something into life to be able to receive out of life.

It is TOTAL VALUE put into life buying.

Described in more detail, the simple idea of how you receive out of life that anyone who is a member of Team Humans on the Earth is able to understand is:

a person who has put a larger total into life gets to receive what he or she wants out of life before anyone who has put a smaller total into life.

Or in other words, help others more (by putting a larger total value into life to help others), and you get an 1earlier choice to receive what you want from all of the things and relationships all of the rest of the members of Team Humans on the Earth have put into life.

That is how simple life is in the "new Heaven and new Earth" that replaced "the old Heaven and old Earth that passed away" when the time of "speaking with clouds" arrived, as promised, to everyone in the idealistic system of which they were or are a part.

Don't lie, cheat, steal, or kill materially or spiritually any of your fellow human beings, and you will be rewarded by receiving out of life before anyone who has helped others less than you in their life, but after those who have helped others a larger total in their life, that is to say you receive in the new Heaven and the new Earth "according to the works of your life that are written in the book of (each person's) life", (karma).

That's it. A new Heaven and a new Earth so simple to understand that even a little child can lead you in showing you how it works.

Do more in life, and you get to receive before people who have done less. Try explaining life to a little child the way it has just been described, and see if a little child who may be one of your children two or three years of age can understand it.

If your little child can understand people who have put more into life getting to receive out of life what has become available before people who have put less into life, then "a little child can lead you" into "the new Heaven and new Earth that replaced the old Heaven and old Earth that passed away" at the time when suddenly "a rainbow (appeared) round" what you had eyes to see but did not see, and ears to hear but did not hear, ---

--- and it was suddenly realized that "a rainbow" is a tiny part that eyes can see, that is a huge condition that exists everywhere throughout the whole universe (graduated magnitudes difference arranging), that is "in the air like clouds", and in the space everywhere between stars everywhere in the universe as if the universe is floating in something like "air, but eyes cannot see what it is even though it is like clouds in the air, except the tiny part that is the colors of a rainbow,

-- but then it happened, as predicted, -- "a rainbow round" everything,---

--- or saying the same things in slightly different words "everything suddenly realized as repeating events difference arrangements or supposed to be repeating events difference arrangements just like a rainbow", that is seen with eyes, and then how to accomplish "Speaking with clouds" and all human problems solved as promised.

Just a little further right next to a "rainbow round" that can be seen with eyes, is a different kind of "clouds" that eyes do not see, unless you learn how to create a device that "sees with clouds" called a television set, and then your eyes can see with clouds (the kind of clouds a television set sees), and you can see someone speaking to the whole Earth at the same time with clouds, -- "Speaking with clouds", and every eye can see the speaking, and hear with ears what the speaking is saying, such as ---

"The time has arrived as predicted when a little child can lead you to the new Heaven and new Earth you have been promised by whatever church you have been attending,

whatever atheist way of believing,

whatever idealistic book or Bible you use for guidance, hope, and promise,---

of the time of the "rainbow round" (understanding how repeating events difference arranging is what everything in the universe is doing, and not just rainbows that eyes can see), ---

--- but also what television can hear and see,

and everything else "electronic",

and everything scientists study,

and the beliefs of atheism,

and the claims of those who believe in "divine planning", God, the creator, divine guidance, the mystery of God ended",

all are shown, explained, revealed, the veils fall away, showing something so simple that it can be understood by little children so that even a little child can lead you to the promised "new Heaven and new Earth",

--- where, as promised, the problems of Team humans on the Earth have been solved, at the time when everyone on the Earth would experience and a few (144, 000) will understand its details,

--- and the veils suddenly fall away that have been hiding human problems solved as predicted and promised at the time when "every eye will see -- speaking with clouds".

"What was that again? Pretend I am not a little child. Could you say what you have just said in a little different way, maybe a way a little child would not understand?, because a little child has not had the personal experience of the old Heaven and the Old Earth where there seemed to be all kinds of human problems THAT ARE NOT SOLVED, not the least of which is the overall problem everywhere in the old Heaven and old Earth of a PROBLEM SOLVED and available to be used or received by whoever is experiencing the problem that has een solved, BUT WHERE DO YOU GET THE MONEY TO PAY FOR IT? (pay for the problem solution, ---

raise taxes higher?,

confiscate or steal the problem solution if you can't "pay" what it costs?,

murder, jail, or defeat in a human war whoever has the problem solution and steal it as the spoils of hate, murder, or war? ---

where did "don't lie, cheat, steal, murder go in that? Yugosolvia, WW I, WWII - adult role models for children?).

Alright, let me say what has just been said in words that might not be understood by a little child.

If you get lost, or confused, or can't follow the reasoning or description in any of the following selections, go back to this page to understand, or at least be told in simple words and ideas that even little children can understand (or any other form of life on the Earth simpler than human life for that matter) what is actually being described (in adult language instead of little child language).

A more compact explanation:

"Life Can Be This Simple And Easy To Understand" (words on book cover) -- What you put into life adds up to a higher and higher total during your life. You can receive a reasonable amount of what you want out of life before anyone who has put in less, but after anyone who has put in more.

This is status position distribution, not take status position recognition away in order to receive distribution.

Being a mother counts as putting work into life like any other kind of work anyone does.

You no longer spend money or credit to buy. This is "Total Value Put Into Life Buying", and "Pay By The Act Of Distribution" (as a bookkeeping entry, instead of receiving money that is taken away, or stolen from you in many ways).

Welfare ended. "Not able to find work" ended.

100% employment for any who want to work (put into life), to increase their ststus position.

This is proportional participation "Team Humans On The Earth" business, not equalism trading business.

RETIRE at any age at the total value put into life level you have put in, (status position you have accomplished). See A similar life in each system charts.

Any kind of medical care is free for anyone (because pay is by the act of distribution instead of by collecting money from someone who is sick, or from an insurer, or by collecting health care taxes).

Seeing how this way to receive out of life was developed from (is an image of) the way everything else in the universe functions. --- shows how to accomplish "ALL PROBLEMS SOLVED".

If any copies of this book manage to survive after the death of its writer, this is an example of what was not allowed to be talked about in the latter 20th century before groups on or off college campuses, on radio or TV, or in print media of any kind other than self printed books or pamphlets. People's minds had been so numbed and conditioned by new idea censorship that virtually no one would return a reply or comment about any of this on Internet (all of the years 1995-1996).

Copyright 1995. Reply to aab@teleport.com, or A. Brown, Box 11131, Portland OR 97211. Book "Speaking With Clouds" $10 - Printing of Internet postings plus more details than the sparse language of WWW or Newsgroups. More details at http://www.teleport.com/~aab

Go to next selection 5. A little clearer in a few more words.

Go to Contents

Last update June 16, 1997