A modern horoscope or Carrier Wave Form or Soul Shape upon which a human body broadcasts.

Diagram from the book Reincarnation Techniques by Addison Brown. A 360 degrees sweep of the solar system in an instant in time (see below) commonly refered to as a Horosocpe. 10 waves combining to form 1 single complex wave. Each wave is generated by a planet, sun or moon sweeping out a circle on the edge of a disc which is the orbit of the planet along the plane of the solar system or ecliptic. The amplitude is proportional to the orbs of influence of the different planets. The position of maximum amplitude is that occupied by the planet. The left edge of the chart or Y-axis is the Midheaven position of the horoscope. By reproducing the same wave shape by combining different planets or available 'M', 'F' and 'Time' of birth, one can hope to tune back in a consciousness that previously existed but is now "dead" or left the body. Go back to Resurrect the Dead Research first page